NIOSH Mining Training Exercise

I Can't Get Enough Air! - Proper Self-contained Self-rescuer Usage

October 1999

See also: NIOSH mining products
Type: Invisible Ink Exercise
Audience: Underground coal
Length | Duration: 9 questions | 30 minutes for administration and 30 minutes for discussion
Skills Reviewed: Mine fire escape strategies/procedures, Use of emergency breathing apparatus, Knowledge of sensations experienced when wearing breathing apparatus, Communication

You are the section foreman on the 17 Left longwall development section at the Paula Ann No. 3 mine. The section has been driven about 4,000 feet from 4 West Mains. One of the shuttle car operators took a call from the fireboss saying that there was smoke from an unknown source coming into your section. You attempt to contact someone to find out where the smoke is coming from but get no response. You and your crew start riding out of the section on the mantrip. When you encounter heavy smoke, you decide to take your crew and travel on foot in the belt entry which is on a neutral split of air. After traveling about 6 crosscuts in the belt entry, you encounter heavy smoke again, at which time you and your crew don your SCSRs. After donning the apparatus, you and your crew continue traveling outby in the belt entry. Near the mouth of the section, a miner in the group starts to have trouble breathing from his SCSR because he is "outbreathing" the device since his oxygen requirements are greater than the SCSR can supply. Soon more workers, including yourself, begin having trouble breathing. You must decide when to switch to another SCSR that you obtain from a cache along the escape route.

Materials needed:
Instructor Copy
Problem Booklet 1 for each trainee. May be downloaded separately or duplicated from the Instructor´s Copy.
Answer Sheet 1 for each group of 3 or 4 working the exercise. Purchased from MSHA (, You may also duplicate them locally if you or a local print shop have the ability to print invisible ink.
PENIB Developing Pens 1 for each answer sheet. Order from SICPA, Customer Service, 8000 Research Way, Springfield, VA 22153, Phone 1-888-SICPAUS or 1-888-742-7287, pen # "PENIB", a broad tipped developing pen.
Optional Overhead projector and overheads of the Master Answer Sheet and Scoring Key found in the Instructor's Copy.
Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Page last reviewed: May 30, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division