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Career Center




Employer instructions

How much does it cost to post a job notice?
The cost to post a job in the Career Center is $249 per job posting for AWWA Members and $349 per job posting for nonmembers. Each job posting remains active for 45 days, and you can easily edit, extend and suspend a posting.

How do I post a job notice?
You must first create an Employer Account. If you have already done so, click Employer Login below to manage your account. To create a new account, click the Register link below and complete the registration form. Once you have created an account, you can add new job postings by logging in and completing the Create New Job Posting form, including verification of account information. Click Continue to add your job to the pending list.

Click the Select box for every job you want to post, then click Post Pending Jobs. Click Submit Job Posting Order (or Revise Job Postings if you need to change information). Your order is placed and your job is posted.

How do I communicate with job seekers?
You can review Job Seeker resumes when searching for the right candidate anytime you have an active job posting. Qualified applicants can find your postings using AWWA's free job search service, and then can easily submit their resumes stored in the Career Center database. When job seekers apply, their resumes come to the e-mail address you specify.

How do I manage existing job postings?
Click the Edit link to modify a posting, or click the Inactivate link to remove a posted job from the active listings, such as when you hire a new staff member. You can eliminate inactive jobs by clicking their Delete links.

What if my posting expires before I hire someone?
Just click the Select box for that posting, then click Renew Active Job Postings. Click Submit Posting Order, and your job will remain active.

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