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 Title:Implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC Concerning the Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates From Agricultural Sources
 Creator:Commission of the European Communities
 Publisher:European Union
 Date Created:2002-07-17
 Description:Council Directive 91/676/EEC (hereafter referred to as the Nitrates Directive) concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources was adopted on 12 December 1991. This report was prepared in order to provide an overview of the current situation with regard to the directive together with possible pathways for the future. It illustrates, with some case studies, the positive effects of some farm practices on the quality of water. However, it is emphasised that there is a considerable time lag between improvements at farm and soil level and a response in waterbody quality.
 Subjects - NAL Thesaurus:nitrates/ fertilizers/ animal manures/ agricultural runoff/ water pollution/ eutrophication/ algal blooms/ biogeochemical cycles/ atmospheric deposition/ environmental monitoring/ water quality/ best management practices/ cost benefit analysis/ environmental law/ environmental policy/ Europe/
 Supplemental Subjects:BMPs
 Coverage Jurisdiction:Europe
 Notes:Report COM(2002)407 ; Also accessible from
 Source:Report COM(97) 473 updated as Report COM(2002)407
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