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West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040
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Faculty Development and Awards

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Faculty Development

Academic Leadership Forum

Ace Fellows
Founded in 1918, the American Council on Education (ACE) is the nation’s unifying voice for higher education.  ACE serves as a consensus leader on key higher education issues and seeks to influence public policy through advocacy, research, and program initiatives.

Center For Instructional Excellence
Guided by the Teaching Academy, the CIE provides opportunities for development of faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and teaching staff; serves as a central point of information about teaching and learning; and promotes the scholarship of teaching.
Committee on Institutional Cooperation Department Executive Officer Program (CIC-DEO)
The CIC also coordinates an annual program of leadership development opportunities for department heads and chairs (Department Executive Officers or "DEOs"). Institutional team participants include seasoned veterans as well as newer department heads and chairs. Each seminar focuses on topics involving departmental leadership skills and emphasizes in-depth analysis of case studies, focusing on the challenges facing DEOs.

The Committee on Institutional Cooperation, CIC, is a consortium of 12 universities committed to advancing academic excellence by sharing resources and promoting and coordinating collaborative activities.

Committee on Institutional Cooperation Academic Leadership Program (CIC-ALP)
The CIC, an academic consortium of Big Ten universities and the University of Chicago, coordinates the Academic Leadership Program, which is designed to develop the leadership and managerial skills of faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and administrative promise.  The program is specifically oriented to the challenges of academic administration of major research universities and designed to help faculty members prepare to meet them.  The program consists of three 2 1/2 day workshops, held on three different CIC campuses throughout the year.  Academic Deans nominate prospective participants; up to six Purdue faculty attend the program yearly.

     Application for Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC-ALP)
     Application Deadline: April 17, 2009

Faculty Fellowships for Study in a Second Discipline
This competitive, funded program offers faculty an opportunity to extend their scholarship through study in a separate field on the West Lafayette campus for one or two semesters.

     Faculty Fellowships for Study in a Second Discipline - Guidelines

     Application for Faculty Fellowships for Study in a Second Discipline

Teaching Academy
The mission of the Teaching Academy is to provide leadership and serve as a catalyst to enhance and strengthen the quality of undergraduate, graduate, and outreach teaching and learning.

Faculty Bridge Program
The Bridge Program is designed to further the University's strategic planning initiatives through the hiring of individuals who will contribute to the institution's goal of preeminence. This includes the hiring of individuals who contribute to Purdue’s diversity. Specifically, the bridge program facilitates the placement of such candidates and the spouses or partners of newly hired faculty and key staff in faculty positions by providing partial, temporary funding to the hiring department. For spouse/partner hires, typically the department making the initial faculty hire also contributes to the spouse/partner's salary, as does the department hiring the spouse/partner. Usually each area, including the Provost Office, contributes one-third of such salary for up to two years, at which point the spouse/partner's department assumes the full cost. The program is geared toward spouses and partners of newly hired faculty and key staff – not established faculty and staff.

New Faculty Orientation

Faculty Awards

Book of Great Teachers
The Book of Great Teachers honors outstanding teaching faculty and excellence in teaching over time. To be included, professors and former professors must have served on the Purdue faculty at least 15 years. The Book of Great Teachers is displayed in the west foyer of the Purdue Memorial Union.

Charles B. Murphy Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
The Murphy Award honors faculty members for outstanding teaching in all phases of the university’s undergraduate instruction on the West Lafayette campus. It is Purdue’s highest undergraduate teaching award and has been awarded since 1967.

Class of 1922 Helping Students Learn Award
For outstanding innovation in helping students learn.

Seed for Success Award
This program, established in 2003, recognizes faculty members who attract large sponsored research grants to Purdue University. Each award recipient receives a bronze acorn engraved with his or her name and is honored at a luncheon organized by the Office of the Provost recognizing their recent accomplishments. 

Staff Recognition
Each year the Provost's office hosts a special luncheon to recognize Purdue staff for their years of continuous service to the University.

Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Awards Program
This voluntary, year-long program pairs senior professors, recognized for their strong teaching backgrounds, with assistant and/or associate professors. Members of the team observe each others classes and meet to discuss teaching methods, learning philosophies, and innovative techniques. Teaching for Tomorrow winners are funded through an endowment established by the Purdue Classes of 1944 and 1945 dedicated to faculty enrichment.

Nick Giordano
Book of Great Teachers

August 2003 - Nick Giordano, physics professor, is one of Purdue's 42 professors added to the Book of Great Teachers, which honors outstanding teaching faculty who have demonstrated sustained excellence in the classroom. Professor Giordano dicusses how to prepare artificial lipid membranes for studies of electrical noise with summer research program participants Rebecca Heine, from Winona State University in Minnesota, and Jacob Millspaw, a Purdue physics doctoral student from Baltimore. (Purdue News Service photo/David Umberger) read more

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