United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Social and Economic Data - Limited Resource Producer and Beginning Farmer Information

October, 2005 update:
2005 Limited Resource Farmer Data

The Limited Resource Farmer and Beginning Farmer Data Set includes information helpful for analysis of the base population of Limited Resource Farmers and Beginning Farmers at the county level. There is no single statistic that will accurately estimate these populations. It is recommended that each state take the variables in this data base and construct an index of those counties most likely to have high numbers of either group.

In addition to the standard geographic information, the following variables are included at the county or state level: Number of Farms, Land in Farms, Average Farm Size, Total Number of Farms with Sales less than $100,000, Number of Farms Where Operator has Been on Farm Less Than 10 Years, Total County Population, County Median Household Income, Fifty Percent of Median Household Income, Population Whose Income is Below the 2000 Poverty Line, Percentage of Population Whose Income is Below the 2000 Poverty Line, National Poverty Threshold in 2000 (family of four with two related children under 18), National Poverty Threshold in 2001 (family of four with two related children under 18), National Poverty Threshold in 2002 (family of four with two related children under 18), State Total Population, State Median Household Income, State Population Whose Income Was Below Poverty in 2000, Percentage of Population Whose Income Was Below Poverty in 2000.

Each of the spreadsheet files has the data, the latest definitions of Limited Resource Farmer and Beginning Farmer, and some basic instructions on how states might use the data.

These documents require Microsoft Excel File Microsoft Excel .

LRF/Beginning Farmer Data For Nation (1 megabyte)


LRF/Beginning Farmer Data By State

Alabama Kentucky North Dakota
Alaska Louisiana Ohio
Arizona Maine Oklahoma
Arkansas Maryland Oregon
California Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Colorado Michigan Rhode Island
Connecticut Minnesota South Carolina
Delaware Mississippi South Dakota
Florida Missouri Tennessee
Georgia Montana Texas
Hawaii Nebraska Utah
Idaho Nevada Vermont
Illinois New Hampshire Virginia
Indiana New Jersey Washington
Iowa New Mexico West Virginia
Kansas New York Wisconsin
  North Carolina Wyoming


LRF/Beginning Farmer Data By Region

Midwest (252 kb)

Northeast (117 kb)

Northern Plains (167 kb) South Central (171 kb)
Southeast (283 kb) West (111 kb)


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