
Tetra Tech, Inc.


email1420 5th Ave., Ste 600
Seattle, Washington 98101-2357
United States

Contact: Karla Sanger
Ph: (206) 883-9300
Fax: (206) 883-9301



Clean, safe water is essential to life—whether it’s drinking water, water as a food source, or water as the gateway to a community. For more than 40 years Tetra Tech has helped provide safe, abundant water supplies; effective treatment of stormwater and waste water; flood control and restoration tools; and innovative watershed protection approaches to assess, protect, and restore our water bodies. Because Tetra Tech is involved in all phases of the water cycle, we use a truly integrated approach to manage our waters using a combination of state-of-the-art techniques and demonstrated best practices. Tetra Tech has long been recognized as a leader in watershed assessment and management, providing its clients with a comprehensive range of services that successfully integrates science, policy, technology, and economics. We provide water management services to federal government clients and to a broad base of private sector clients including those in the chemical, pharmaceutical, utility, aerospace, and petroleum industries.

What We Do:

  • Water quality assessments
  • Treatability studies
  • Source water protection
  • Designated uses and water quality standards
  • Flood control and drainage master plans
  • Disaster prevention and contingency planning
  • Water rights and acquisitions
  • Econometrics and funding support
  • Stormwater management/Best Management Practices (BMPs
  • Feedlot and agricultural runoff control
  • Erosion control
  • Engineered wetlands
  • Stream channel restoration
  • Dam stabilization and removal
  • Habitat and ecosystem restoration
  • Regulatory compliance and support
  • Contaminated sediments stabilization/removal
  • Information management systems
  • Complex watershed characterization and assessment
  • Complex watershed management planning and implementation strategy development
  • Development of customized tools to support planning and implementation
  • Analysis and modeling
  • Technical guidance
  • Lake and stream restoration
  • Non-point source pollution control
  • Monitoring design and implementation
  • Stakeholder involvement and public outreach training
  • Floodplain management
  • Water master plans