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Manage Your Career

Fist Holding Money Up Participate in ASME’s New Salary Survey
ASME is now offering a comprehensive online salary survey, updated daily, as part of the career center. Get a complimentary salary report when you participate.

International Communication What's Your Communication Style?
Take this assessments to determine your dominant communication style and gain better understanding of other people's styles.

Older Male On Phone Old People Need "Friends," Too: Using Social Media
Learn why and how to use social networking sites for business.

Silhouette Working At Computer Encouraging Work-Life Balance Can Boost Your Bottom Line
Learn seven practices you can introduce at work to increase productivity and creativity.

Two Business Men Working At Computer Tried & True Persuasion Principles
A dozen strategies to build agreement and negotiate with ease.

Woman Reading Before Meeting Showing Authority When Public Speaking
Seven tips to help you to make a stellar presentation

Shaking Hands Over Desk Quiz: How You Rate as a Negotiator
The best leaders are great negotiator. Some questions to ponder to determine your effectiveness.

Finger Pointing Up Advancing Your Career
The best time to start getting ready for your advancement or next job is now, before you need to.

Time Flying Out Of Flat Panel Computer Screen Turning Dead Time Into Productive Time
Dead time is time you spend doing nothing waiting for something else to happen. Make dead time work for you.

Group Giving Thumbs Up Turning a Group of People into a Team
Strategies that address the common management question, "How can I turn the group of people I've inherited into a team?"

International Communication Tactics for Spotting Communication Problems
Learn how to avoid the #1 most prevalent reason people fail to advance in their careers - poor communication skills!

Four Professionals Projecting a Powerful, Professional Image
Consider "repackaging yourself" inside and out to gain a competitive advantage. Learn how.

Business Group Of Six Tact, Initiative Make You an Influential Team Member
Learn how you can move in a different direction while still keeping on good terms with the leader and supporting his authority.

Business Man and Woman In Private Jet Creating a “Getting it Done” Culture
Your company really can keep its promises-but first you must create a "culture of execution." These tips will help you get started.

Top Of Head In Blurred Crowd Attracting and Retaining Top Talent
"Get the right people on the buss." Follow these seven simple steps to ensure you attract and support the best performers.

Video Video and Audio Library
Digital video and audio content for on topics such as management, leadership and how to succeed in your engineering career.

Cubicle Activity Is Your Organization a “Red Zone” or a “Green Zone?”
Even the "reddest" organization can learn how to change its culture-and its color-to green, where collaboration and honesty rule.

Family Watching TV Improve Your Business with Lessons from Reality TV
Here are some management tips from an unlikely source-two expert jugglers who have been on a reality TV show and who have been awarded five Guinness Book World records.

Group Working On Problem Around Table How to Create More Effective Teams through “Co-opetition”
Learn how you can take cooperation to the next level in your team, department, or organization using the principles of "co-opetition."

Two Business Men Working At Computer Foolproof Feedback
Here are some tried and true tips for any manager who is tempted to crawl under the desk when performance appraisal time comes around.

Circle Of Business Men Looking Up The Six Essential Characteristics of Successful People
In her role as consulting psychologist for “The Apprentice,” Dr. Liza Siegel has a close up view of what separates the ones who make it from the one’s who don’t make the cut.

Finger Pointing Up Are You Promotable?
How to tell if a move up the ladder is in your near future; tips from the founder of The Five O’Clock Club.

Business Men In Profile On Facing Foward Laughing Need a "Do-over" at Work? How to Recover from Stupid Mistakes
Sooner or later everyone messes up. A healthy sense of humor can go a long way in setting things straight.

Man With Tie Standing To the Side In Blurred Crowd Burnout Busters: 10 Ways to Cope When Work Becomes Overwhelming
Get back in control with these 10 techniques for conquering on-the-job stress.

Relaxed PC User Things People Do to Get Fired (and How to Avoid Doing Them)
Do yourself and your career a favor—avoid these five negative workplace behaviors.

Group Working On Problem Around Table ETA Identifies Necessary Skills for Future Workforce
Addressing the need for a skilled-enough technical workforce, the U.S. Dept. of Labor has announced a framework identifying skills that workers must possess to meet future needs.

Patents Patent Information for Students
Patent literature is an essential tool for anyone interested in engineering technology or competitive intelligence.

Men At Drafting Table Q&A with Experienced Engineers
An online ezine that provides quick link access to professional and technical resources Young Engineers can utilize to remain competitive.

Group Of Business People Tied Up In A Rope 12 Signs Your Career is Stuck And What Will Get You Going Again
The key to your professional survival is to recognize these signs and take action.

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