Los Alamos National Laboratory

LANL: National Security


  • National Security Office
    Patrice Stevens
    (505) 667-0166
  • Weapons Program
    Glenn Mara
  • Weapons Engineering
    Bret Knapp
  • Weapons Physics
    Charles McMillan

Global Reality,
National Priority

History of
National Security

National Security Mission

Los Alamos National Laboratory is a national security science laboratory. The Lab works to realize a capabilities-based approach to science for the needs of U.S. national security.

LANL assesses the nuclear weapons stockpile for safety, security, and reliability, and maintains the stockpile through life extension, alternative design, pit manufacturing, and system surveillance. The Lab also uses science and technology to anticipate threats and enhance global security.

See Also


The Ongoing Role

Although America's modern defense strategy includes nuclear weapons, it also relies upon diplomacy, economic leverage, and conventional military forces.

U.S. national security goals include maintaining an efficient and responsive nuclear stockpile, promoting international nuclear safety and nonproliferation, and reducing global danger from weapons of mass destruction.

The Cold War

In 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic weapon, leading to an "arms race" with the United States. The resultant stalemate between the two superpowers ensured a certain degree of global stability.

The Manhattan Project

On July 16, 1945, Los Alamos physicist Joe McKibben threw the switch that detonated the world's first atomic bomb. The resultant explosion ushered what would become known as the Atomic Age.

John Sarao plutonium research

Nobody Does It Better

LANL is the world's leader in plutonium science and manufacturing. For over 6 decades, LANL has been the center of science on radioisotopes. The new CMRR facility ensures LANL will continue to be the place to safely advance the frontiers of research on the radioactive elements.

John Sarrao led the discovery of the first plutonium superconductor.

complex transformation logo

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA
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