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Individuals or organizations can use the following guidelines to assist them in applying for Federal Assistance:
step 1 Browse the Catalog using one of the indexes provided or a keyword search to locate assistance programs which are suitable to your needs as an applicant.
step 2 Determine a means of approach for making an application by considering:

  • Program Objectives and Uses

  • Type of Assistance Needed

  • Eligibility Requirements

  • Application Procedure Required

step 3 Check for an application deadline.
step 4 Refer to the Information Contacts section located within each program description for addresses and telephone numbers to obtain further information from the funding agency.
step 5 Contact the agency to determine:
  • Applicability of your proposal or project.

  • Availability of funds or assistance.

  • Answers to any questions you may have.

step 6 Apply to the funding agency for assistance. For additional information on how to do this, refer to the Developing and Writing Grant Proposals page of this web site.
The Standard Form 424, Application for Federal Assistance, is the standard form for applying for grants or other Federal assistance. Please note that individual programs may require other forms or additional documentation. Download the regular version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Or, download the text-only version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

General Services Administration
Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE)