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News & Events Archive

2008: Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Week ending December 26, 2008

The launch of the revised USGS The National Map web site was discussed in the Dec 23 Podcast sponsored by Directions Magazine and also appeared in the Dec 17 edition of GeoPlace Magazine.

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Week ending December 19, 2008

NGTOC Director Elected to Geospatial Post: Kari Craun, Director of the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, was elected Vice President of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CAGIS). The mission of CAGIS, one of four member organizations of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) is, " support research, education, and practice to improve the understanding, creation, analysis, and use of maps and geographic information to support effective decision-making and improve the quality of life. The society serves as a forum for the exchange of original concepts, techniques, approaches, and experiences by those who design, implement, and use cartography, geographical information systems, and related geospatial technologies." (Kari Craun, Rolla, MO 573-308-3802)

The National Map Customer Survey Results: The National Map Strategic Advisor, Larry Sugarbaker, presented at the 2008 Montana Government Information Technology Conference held in Helena, MT on December 10-12, 2008. The presentation focused on a history of The National Map, customer requirements and survey results and the current strategic direction of the USGS National Map. The presentation was well received with over 200 state and local IT and GIS professionals in attendance. (Lance Clampitt, Bozeman, MT 406-994-6919)

Articles about the new The National Map web site were published in the Dec 17 editions of Directions Magazine and GIS User.

An editorial discussing the selection of the new Interior Secretary and its impact on the USGS, especially in area of geospatial technology, was published in the Dec 18 edition of Directions Magazine.

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Week ending December 12, 2008

The National Map Web Site: In a determined effort to renovate and enhance the usability of The National Map, the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) has recently released a new version of The National Map web site. This latest version is the first phase of a multi-phase deliberate plan to augment the USGS geospatial web presence. The site can be found at . Comments to improve the site are strongly encouraged at (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

NGAC Briefing: Leaders of the USGS National Geospatial Program Office (NGP) had the opportunity to brief a select subcommittee of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC) in Reston on Dec 11, 2008. As a result of the briefings and discussions, the subcommittee has reiterated its support of the USGS The National Map program and has called for an increased national investment in the program. The NGAC was formed a year ago to review and comment upon geospatial policy and management issues and provide a forum to convey views representative of stakeholders in the geospatial community. NGAC information: (Mark Newell, Rolla, MO 573-308-3850)

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Week ending December 5, 2008

Arkansas NHD MOU signed: The USGS and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) recently signed an agreement making ADEQ responsible for standardizing and maintaining water quality data collected in Arkansas and stored in an electronic database which is part of a national network of water quality data. The ADEQ, along with the Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) and Arkansas State Land Information Board (ASLIB) in partnership with the USGS is coordinating the Arkansas National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Stewardship Program for the maintenance and stewardship of the high resolution NHD in Arkansas. (Bill Sneed, Little Rock, AR 501-228-3665)

Middle School Students Challenged on Geography Knowledge: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS), working in partnership with the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC), provided two hour of sessions of "Geopardy" to students at the Rolla Middle School on December 2. The students formed teams to challenge each other on their geography knowledge, with the winners determined by who could be the quickest in providing accurate answers to geography and map related questions. This effort supports the outreach component of the USGS in its goal of initiation, coordination, and participation in scientific and educational programs, events, and activities that promote the products and services of the USGS. (Mary Fone, Rolla, MO 573-308-3609)

Ocean and Coastal Mapping Inventory: The USGS Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) project management team met with the Interagency Working Group for Ocean and Coastal Mapping (IWG-OCM) to review the first year's progress of the Ocean and Coastal Mapping Inventory project, and to define objectives for the coming year. The OCM Inventory project began around September 2007 and is being implemented using GOS. During its first year, over 25,000 records were added to GOS directly as a result of the OCM Inventory effort. The OCM Inventory effort has also contributed to GOS through a very active Oceans and Coasts community, and by participation in the design of continuing enhancements to the GOS system that benefit the OCM Inventory and GOS as a whole. (Rob Dollison, Reston, VA 703-648-5724)

USGS Tribal Geospatial Outreach: USGS Geospatial Liaison for New York, Frank Kenney, attended the joint EPA-Indian Nation Tribal Leaders/Native American Fish and Wildlife Society Conference in Syracuse, NY, Dec 1-2, 2008. One major goal was to establish relationships and create opportunities for outreach with New York tribes. Some of the tribes have geospatial and GIS programs, which could benefit from USGS collaboration. (Frank Kenney, Troy, NY, 518-285-5619)

Caribbean GIS Conference: USGS Geospatial Liaison for Florida, U.S. Virgin Islands (US-VI), and Puerto Rico, Lou Driber, presented at the "Fourth Annual Caribbean Regional GIS Conference" sponsored by the US-VI Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Virgin Islands Geospatial Information Council (VIGIC), November 19-21, 2008. Presentations included "The National Map Data Products and Services" which featured USGS efforts to complete Orthoimage Map production over the Caribbean Territories in support of Federal and regional emergency response operations. Additionally, USGS-NGTOC National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) regional representative George Heleine provided a presentation on the NHD stewardship program. (Lou Driber, Tallahassee, FL, 850-942-9500)

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Week ending November 21, 2008

USGS-USFS meeting: Alan Mikuni, Chief of the Western Region NSDI Partnership Office, and David Vincent, USGS Geospatial Liaison to the Forest Service, attended the USGS-USFS Management Oversight meeting on November 13th. The Management Oversight group is an interagency team composed of senior managers in each agency that meet biannually to cooperate on GIS and geospatial activities between the two agencies. This meeting discussed a digital and topographic mapping partnership between the two agencies for approximately 20% of the Nation's land. (David Vincent, Salt Lake City, UT 801-975-3435)

Volcanic Ash meeting: USGS Geospatial Liaison for Alaska, Craig Seaver, attended the "Interagency Operating Plan for Volcanic Ash Episodes Meeting" on November 12, 2008 with Alaska state partners to discuss the need for updated elevation models and imagery for the Alaska Statewide Data Mapping Initiative. The agencies involved in this operating plan are: the Federal Aviation Administration; the Alaska Volcano Observatory, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute; the National Weather Service; the Department of Defense, the State Division of Homeland Security; and the US Coast Guard. (Craig Seaver, Anchorage, AK 907-786-7089)

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Week ending November 14, 2008

International Charter presentation: Shelley Silch, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Illinois, gave a presentation titled, "GIS Emergency Response in Illinois: 2008 Midwest Disaster" at the Illinois GIS Conference in Chicago on November 6. The presentation focused on the International Charter, which is a mechanism by which commercial satellite date can be obtained in support of emergency response. The USGS also staffed an exhibit during the two-day event. (Shelley Silch, Urbana, IL, 217-344-9732)

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Week ending October 31, 2008

NHD Training: USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) steward representatives Carl Nelson and Elizabeth McCartney conducted training for updating, maintaining, and using the NHD for MARIS (Mississippi Automated Resource Information System, on October 14-16, 2008 in Jackson, MS. Training focused on the NHDGeoEditTool, Flowcheck, QA/QC tools, and flow analysis. The group from MARIS is responsible for updating and maintaining High Resolution NHD for the State of Mississippi. The stewardship agreement between the USGS and MARIS was signed in May 2008. (Carl Nelson, Rolla, MO 573-308-3838)

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Week ending October 24, 2008

Joint USGS, USFS and BLM Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Meeting: The USGS, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management will conduct a joint agency Management Oversight Group meeting Nov. 13-14 at the USFS Geospatial Service & Technology Center (GSTC) in Salt Lake City, Utah. (Tracy Fuller, Denver, CO 303-202-4172)

The National Map Presentation at the Eastern Great Lakes Meeting: Steve Aichele, USGS Geospatial Liaison for Michigan, presented at the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) - Eastern Great Lakes region meeting on The National Map, the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), various partnership programs available through the USGS National Geospatial Program (NGP) and the Geospatial Products and Services Contract (GPSC) administered through the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC). Participants included representatives from academia, local, county, and state government, and aerial photography firms. (Steve Aichele, Lansing, MI 517-887-8918)

Recent and possible changes within the USGS National Geospatial Programs Office was discussed in the Oct 22 editions of Directions Magazine.

A GPS (Global Positioning System) class offered by the Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS) was featured in the October 23 issue of The Rolla Daily News.

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Week Ending October 17, 2008

College Support: The Rolla Science Information & Library Services (SILS), working in coordination with the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, the USGS Mid-Continent Geographic Science Center, and the USGS Missouri Water Science Center, conducted tours and organized workshops for two colleges groups on October 16th. The classes represented the Department of Geography, Geology, and Planning from Missouri State University and the Construction and Civil Technology Class from Linn State Technical College, Linn, MO. Students were shown the process of topographic mapping over the years at the USGS, including present-day geospatial data and graphics activities. Sessions were also conducted emphasizing geography research activities, water science research activities, and the use of GPS. (Keith Brady, Rolla, MO 573-308-3716)

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Week Ending October 10, 2008

USGS Rolla Science Information & Library Services representative Keith Brady was featured in an article about the Rolla Center offering GPS classes to the public in the Oct 9 edition of the Rolla Daily News.

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Week Ending September 26, 2008

Emergency-Response Image Maps: The NGTOC has finished 3,250 orthoimage maps along the Gulf and southern Atlantic coasts. Coverage is from Brownsville, Texas to the northern boundary of the state of Delaware, two counties deep from the coast. The entire area of the State of Florida was covered (over 1140 quadrangles) due to its susceptibility to tropical storms.

These quadrangle maps are provisional products; work on a product standard, and systems to create products compliant with that standard, is ongoing. Because they are provisional and experimental, the products vary, but most have these characteristics:

  • PDF format, most with GeoPDF and layered GeoPDF extensions.
  • Standard 7.5-minute cell coverage, with traditional layout and map collar
  • Orthoimage background, most with road and geographic names added to enhance the image
  • Full 1,000-meter UTM grid conforming to the U.S. National Grid standard
  • File sizes are typically 20-30 Mb per quadrangle

In July the NGTOC set up an emergency-response FTP site to give State and local agencies access to the data. The site currently hosts all completed maps, grouped by State, along with quad listings and location diagrams.

In advance of Hurricane Gustav, both NGTOC offices assembled and shipped over two hundred orthoimage quadrangles to the Louisiana state liaison on DVD. To finish coverage of the expected landfall area, the graphics team generated 120 quadrangles over a period of only four days, working extended work days and Saturday. By the following Tuesday, these data were staged on the emergency response FTP site. USGS State liaisons in Louisiana and other Gulf States distributed copies to State emergency operations coordinators and first response organizations.

In the wake of Hurricane Ike, 24 additional quadrangles in Texas were created at the request of local authorities.

The map download site is linked from the EROS Emergency Operations page at, under "Provisional Digital Orthoimage Maps for Emergency Use." Contact Jerry Wagner or Chuck Matthys for access information. (Jerry Wagner, Rolla, MO 573-308-3764, Chuck Matthys, Denver, CO 303-202-4447)

Ohio Hydrography Conference: USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center representative Hank Nelson provided a presentation on the National Map Hydrography, National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and the stewardship program for NHD. Now that high-resolution NHD is complete for Ohio (and the Nation), enhancement, maintenance, and expanded use of Ohio NHD is a major goal for the Ohio Hydrography Framework Task Force as part of the NSDI and the Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP). (Hank Nelson, Denver, CO 303-202-4448)

The implementation of the US National Grid (USNG) by the USGS The National Map was referenced in a September 26 article published in Geospatial Solutions magazine.

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