Biological Systems Engineering Research

Center for Bioproducts & Bioenergy


CBB facilities in Tri-Cities

Washington State University (WSU) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have established a new partnership that will leverage decades of research to provide national leadership and advance our region’s role in the emerging bioproducts and bioenergy industry.  WSU has already created the Center for Bioprocessing and Bioproducts Engineering to focus its research efforts.  And, the co-funded Bioproducts, Sciences, and Engineering Laboratory (BSEL), slated to open this year on the WSU-Tri-Cities campus, will serve as a unique facility in which PNNL research will be leveraged with that conducted by WSU faculty.  To help set priorities for the collaboration, WSU and PNNL are conducting analyses of our state and regional resources that also will serve as a roadmap to guide future research, investments and strategies required to create and maintain an economically sustainable bioeconomy in the Pacific Northwest . 

WSU Vision for Washington's Bioeconomy...




BSysE Faculty Involvement

Dr. Shulin Chen

Dr. Manuel Garcia-Pérez


























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Life is good at WSU.

Secondary content can be almost anything. If you are not using this region delete all the content that is in between the div tags with the id ="additional".

A unique richness of students, faculty, location, activities, and organizations creates a full, lively student life at the University. This section gives you the insider's view on student life and a sampling of the opportunities here.

"Glimpses." Students talk about life at WSU

These brief posts are written by WSU students to give you a personal look through their window on campus life.


Biological Systems Engineering, PO Box 646120, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6120, 509-335-1578, Contact Us