It’s More Than The Birds and the Bees

Posted on August 7th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

About the author: Lina Younes has been working for EPA since 2002 and chairs EPA’s Multilingual Communications Task Force. Prior to joining EPA, she was the Washington bureau chief for two Puerto Rican newspapers and she has worked for several government agencies.

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Judging from previous blogs, there’s quite a bit of interest and concern towards the apparent lack of butterflies this summer. Yet we haven’t addressed something even potentially more worrisome—honeybees. The situation has been identified as the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The disappearance of these pollinators could have serious repercussions on U.S. agriculture and ultimately the entire food supply. Experts still do not know the exact cause for the vanishing of the honeybees. Among the theories considered are: invasive parasitic mites, new and emerging diseases, pesticide poisoning, poor nutrition and I’ve even read some articles that attribute the situation to climate change.

Nonetheless, EPA, USDA, universities and the private sector have moved into action. The Agency is addressing the CCD through regulatory and voluntary programs. And it’s actively participating in the Colony Collapse Disorder Steering Committee and Working Group. One of the many collaborative efforts to address the issue has been a partnership between the Agency and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign.

As I’ve been reading up more on this crisis, images of childhood–my grandfather with a hat and a veil tending to the bee colonies in his farm in Guayama, Puerto Rico come to mind. I also remember eating sticky, deliciously sweet, fresh honey. More recently, my daughter’s boyfriend, Scott, concerned over the CCD decided to take a beekeeping class by the Bowie Upper Marlboro Beekeepers Association (BUMBA) at Watkins Park Nature Center in Maryland. Both he and his brother started raising bees in their backyard in March. They started with one box and in June added a second one on top for them to expand. Scott hasn’t had any major problem and only one bee sting while working on the hive. The bees have made some honey, but he’s trying to save it for the winter. That will be the real test to his success so far.

While I haven’t taken the challenge to set up my own bee colony, I’ve been trying to use greenscaping techniques to minimize the use of pesticides in my garden. Overall, integrated pest management principles both at home and in agriculture, can go a long way to protect the ecosystem of these invaluable pollinators. We can’t live without them. So don’t just buzz by this blog, help to take action.

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Va más alla de las aves y abejas

Sobre la autor: Lina M. F. Younes ha trabajado en la EPA desde el 2002 y está a cargo del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Comunicaciones Multilingües. Como periodista, dirigió la oficina en Washington de dos periódicos puertorriqueños y ha laborado en varias agencias gubernamentales.

Juzgando por el interés de previos blogs, hay muchas personas preocupadas por la aparente falta de mariposas este verano. Sin embargo, todavía no hemos abordado un tema de mayor preocupación—las abejas de miel. La situación se ha identificado como el desorden del colapso de colonias (CCD, por sus siglas en inglés). La desaparición de estos polinadores podría causar serias repercusiones en la agricultura de Estados Unidos y en la totalidad del suministro de alimentos.

Los expertos aún no conocen la causa exacta de la desaparición de las abejas de miel. Algunas teorías son: pequeños ácaros parasíticos invasivos, nuevas enfermedades, el envenenamiento por pesticidas, la pobre nutrición y algunos artículos incluso atribuyen la situación al cambio climático.

Mientras tanto, EPA, el Departamento de Agricultura Federal, las universidades y el sector privado han entrado en acción. La Agencia está tratando el tema mediante programas de regulaciones y voluntarios. También está participando activamente en el Comité Timón y Grupo de Trabajo sobre el Desorden del Colapso de Colonias. Uno de los muchos esfuerzos colaborativos para abordar este asunto es el consorcio entre la Agencia y la Campana de Protección de Polinadores de Norte América. []

Mientras voy leyendo más sobre la crisis, surgen las imágenes de mi infancia en Puerto Rico—mi abuelo con su sombrero especial cuidando de las abejas en su finca en Guayama, Puerto Rico. También me recuerdo comer la miel fresca, pegajosa y deliciosamente dulce…Recientemente, Scott, el novio de mi hija, preocupado por el colapso de colmenas decidió toma una clase para criar abejas que ofrece la Asociación de Apicultores de Upper Marlboro (BUMBA, por sus siglas en inglés) en el Centro de Naturaleza del Parque Watkins en Maryland. Tanto él como su hermano empezaron a cultivar las abejas en su patio en marzo. Comenzaron con una caja y en junio añadieron una más como una extensión para que las abejas pudieran expandir la colmena. Scott no ha tenido problemas en esta empresa y sólo una abeja lo ha picado. Las abejas han producido miel, pero él quiere conservarla para el invierno. Esa será la prueba real.

Mientras no ha tomado el reto de desarrollar mi propia colonia de abejas, estoy tratando de usar técnicas de jardinería verde para minimizar el uso de plaguicidas en mi jardín. Sobre todo, los principios para el manejo integrado de plagas tanto en el hogar como en la agricultura pueden contribuir enormemente a la protección del ecosistema de estos valiosos polinadores. No podemos vivir sin ellos. No ignoren este blog. Por favor, tomen acción.

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5 Responses to “It’s More Than The Birds and the Bees”

  1. Karen Says:

    I have also read that there was a German study that found that mobile phone signals throw off a bee’s ‘internal navigation system’.


  2. Linda Says:

    It’s not only honey bees that are diminishing; native bee species are also disappearing in alarming numbers. Many of these speceis are so-called solitary bees that don’t live in colonies. Carpenter bees, among others, live solitary lives, are not particularly agressive; these large-bodied bees rely on native plant species for pollen and nectar. As they forage, they are responsible for pollenating many flowering plants. I love the early-spring sight of them buzzing in euphoria among my holly hedge, roses, privet and honeysuckle, when the air is thick with fragrance and the sound of their soothing drone. An on-line search will turn up web pages devoted to helping preserve all bee species, with lots of ideas of how you can help bees in your area survive.


  3. Mary Ann Says:

    The National Agricultural Library has collected a growing array of resources on Colony Collapse Disorder. We even had our own blog post on the subject back in February. Check it out.


  4. Lina-EPA Says:

    Just got back from a family vacation in Lebanon and there were bees galore in my mother-in-law’s garden. Few butterflies, but bees a plenty. Don’t know the exact variety, though.

    Unfortunately, too many mosquitoes! The repellants I took from the states didn’t work. Bought some local ones and they worked the first couple of days, but not enough. Maybe it was a language barrier. Just joking.


  5. sohbet Says:

    i like that thanks..


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