Directory / Contact Information

Biological Systems Engineering



Picture of LJSmith

(Click for large picture)


Campus Map showing location of LJSmith

(Click for large Picture)






























(updated 3Oct2007)

Main Office:


Department of Biologial Systems Engineering
LJSmith 213, M/S 6120
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington 99164-6120

Tel: 509 335-1578
Fax: 509 335-2722


Department Chair:

Dr. Claudio Stöckle

Office Manager: 

John Anderson


Department Photo Board:

Our Department Photo Board has a picture and link to each member of the department and is updated approximately once each semester.

The directory information on this site is updated as it is received.



In an emergency contact the WSU Police Department dialing 911 on campus or calling (509) 335-8548.

More emergency information is available at the WSU Alert Site


Our Web Site Development team

At the University level

WSU Graphic Identity, Template design, distribuition and support (tutorials and downloads)..
WSU Marketing and Communications

At the department level

Team Leader - site direction, emphasis and focus :
Dr. Claudio Stöckle, chair, BSysE

Content, editing, and graduate recruitment, and marketing:
Joan Hagedorn

Content, editing, and News Letter:
Eric Hollenbeck

Content, local Site design / template implementation, and local web server administration:
Vince Himsl

























Life is good at WSU.

Secondary content can be almost anything. If you are not using this region delete all the content that is in between the div tags with the id ="additional".

Additional information goes here.


Biological Systems Engineering , PO Box 646120 Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6120, 509-335-1578 Contact Us