quaking aspen

Plants: Hardwood Trees
Magnoliopsida > Salicales > Salicaceae > Populus tremuloides Michx.
Synonym(s): trembling aspen, quiver-leaf

117 records

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Image Descriptor Description Photographer
0806056 Bark Yellow bark clonal characteristic; Pike and San Isabel National Forests, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0806057 Bark White/green bark clonal characteristic; Pike and San Isabel National Forests, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0008019 Bark Paul Wray
0008022 Bark Paul Wray
1375348 Bark Terry Spivey
5001060 Bark Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5349089 Bark Keith Kanoti
1210028 Cutting Systems Clearcut in quaking aspen/kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) community type, Clark Spring area, South Park Ranger District Dave Powell
1210022 Development Aspen sere succeeding to conifers, Cuchara Ski Area, southern Colorado Dave Powell
1210023 Development Aspen sere succeeding to conifers, Cuchara Ski Area, southern Colorado Dave Powell
1210055 Development Aspen sere succeeding to conifers, Pikes Peak, Pikes Peak RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
0008466 Feature(s) Leaf scars and buds Paul Wray
0008467 Feature(s) Leaf scars and buds Paul Wray
1208084 Flower(s) small tree with catkins in early spring Dave Powell
0008057 Flower(s) Paul Wray
0008058 Flower(s) Paul Wray
0008059 Flower(s) Paul Wray
0008294 Foliage Paul Wray
0008295 Foliage Paul Wray
1375186 Foliage fall foliage Terry Spivey
1375336 Foliage fall foliage Terry Spivey
1428120 Foliage Close-up of aspen leaves at peak of fall color; The red color shown here is somwhat unusual for quaking aspen, which usually turns a bright yellow color. William M. Ciesla
5001059 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5001057 Foliage Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5361133 Foliage

Colorful fallen leaves of aspen - autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park.

Howard F. Schwartz
5361134 Foliage

Water-splattered fallen leaves of aspen - autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park.

Howard F. Schwartz
5361135 Foliage

Colorful fallen leaves of aspen - autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

Howard F. Schwartz
5361136 Foliage

Aspen foliage in autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park.

Howard F. Schwartz
5361137 Foliage

Aspen foliage in autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

Howard F. Schwartz
5361138 Foliage

Aspen foliage in autumn, Rocky Mountain National Park.

Howard F. Schwartz
0806082 Quaking aspen/Kentucky bluegrass (Populus tremuloides/Poa pratensis) community type; Upper Eagle Creek, South Platte Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Douglas County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
5001056 Plant(s) Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5356403 Sampling Terry L Spivey
1210027 Site Wet-site aspen with corn husk lily, cow parsnip, Barbey larkspur and monkshood Dave Powell
0806040 Stand Quaking aspen/bracken community type; Cuchara Valley Ski Area, Huerfano County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
1210029 Stand stand containing some mixture of Rocky Mountain juniper Dave Powell
1210030 Stand Mature forest in the East Williams area, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1210024 Stand Pure aspen stand with herbaceous undergrowth, Black Mountain, South Park RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1210025 Stand community type, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1210026 Stand Dense stand of Thurber fescue associated with an open aspen forest, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1437132 Stand Nicolet County, Wisconsin Paul Bolstad
1473014 Stand Rocky Mountain Research Station/Forest Pathology Archive
1473015 Stand Thomas E. Hinds
1375337 Stand fall foliage Terry Spivey
1375331 Stand Terry Spivey
1375334 Stand Terry Spivey
0808001 Stand Understory - mountain snowberry. Willow Creek, South Park Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Park County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808002 Stand understory - Thurber fescue plant community. Pruden Creek, South Park Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Park County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808003 Stand understory - gooseberry currant plant community. Cross Creek, South Park Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Park County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808005 Stand Understory - bluejoint reedgrass plant community. Upper Turkey Creek, South Park Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Teller County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808006 Stand understory - Fendler meadowrue plant community. Marshall Pass Road, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Saguache County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808007 Stand Understory is aspen peavine community. Mt. Zion Area, Leadville Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Lake County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808008 Stand understory - bearberry honeysuckle plant community. Lost Canyon, Leadville Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Lake County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808010 Stand understory - Fendler meadowrue plant community. North Cottonwood Creek, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Chaffee County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808011 Stand understory - Rocky Mountain maple plant community. South Cottonwood Creek, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Chaffee County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808012 Stand Understory - Fendler meadowrue plant community. Bassam Guard Station, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Park County, south-central Colorado. Dave Powell
0808013 Stand Understory - silvertop sedge plant community. Coons Park, Salida Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Park County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808014 Stand Understory - dwarf blueberry plant community. Rampart Range, South Platte Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Douglas County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808015 Stand Understory - Bigelow ligularia plant community. Dakan Mountain, South Platte Ranger District, Pike National Forest, Douglas County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808016 Stand Indian Creek, San Carlos Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Huerfano County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808017 Stand Understory - fringed brome plant community. Adobe Creek, San Carlos Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Custer County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808018 Stand Understory - fringed brome plant community. Adobe Peak, San Carlos Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Custer County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
0808032 Stand understory - Porter ligusticum plant community. Newlin Creek, San Carlos Ranger District, San Isabel National Forest, Fremont County, south-central Colorado Dave Powell
1118049 Stand Inside fenced area Brian Lockhart
1124024 Stand Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado Chuck Bargeron
1212018 Stand View of mature clone in Sugarbowl aspen enclosure, NFJD RD, Umatilla NF, 1994 Dave Powell
1212019 Stand Desolation watershed; NFJD RD, Umatilla RD, 1998 Dave Powell
1212061 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 44, Pole Creek, South Park RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212062 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 53, Cucharas Pass, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212063 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 55, Gold Camp Road, Pikes Peak RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212064 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 56, Gold Camp Road, Pikes Peak RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212065 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 57, Silver Creek, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212066 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 61, No Name Gulch, Leadville RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212067 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 73, Cliff Creek, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212068 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 77, LaSalle Pass, South Park RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212069 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 80, Stoney Pass, South Platte RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212070 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 83, South Cottonwood Creek, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212071 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 4, Bear Gulch, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212072 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 5, Adobe Peak, San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212073 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 7, Bergen Rocks, South Platte RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212074 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 18, Upper Missouri Gulch, Pikes Peak RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212075 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 19, Dakan Mountain, South Platte RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212076 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 25, Dakan Mountain, South Platte RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212077 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 27, Rampart Range, South Platte RD, Pike NF Dave Powell
1212078 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 29, Aspen Ridge, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212079 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 34, Middle Cottonwood Creek, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212080 Stand Interior view of stand; Plot 35, Mushroom Gulch, Salida RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1241060 Stand Caribou National Forest, Idaho near the Idaho/Utah border. Egan Basin topographic quadrangle. James Henderson
1353213 Stand Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
1374667 Stand Terry Spivey
5001058 Stand Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
5032099 Stand

Regenerating aspen stand following clearcut in eastern Minnesota.

Joseph O'Brien
5032100 Stand

Regenerating aspen stand follwing clearcut in Eastern Minnesota.

Joseph O'Brien
5189022 Stand

Young stand

Paul Bolstad
5202044 Stand Dense young aspen stand in northern Wisconsin Steven Katovich
1473006 Symptoms Thomas E. Hinds
1473013 Symptoms

tree #539

Thomas E. Hinds
1459012 Tree(s) Steve Dewey
1480349 Tree(s) Populus tremuloides; quaking aspen Richard Webb
1480350 Tree(s) Populus tremuloides; quaking aspen Richard Webb
1428118 Tree(s) at peak of fall coloring. William M. Ciesla
1428119 Tree(s) at peak of fall color. William M. Ciesla
1375340 Tree(s) Terry Spivey
1375341 Tree(s) Terry Spivey
1375342 Tree(s) fall foliage Terry Spivey
1375345 Tree(s) Terry Spivey
1375347 Tree(s) Terry Spivey
1375327 Tree(s) Terry Spivey
1375328 Tree(s) fall foliage Terry Spivey
1359014 Tree(s) This is the national champion quaking aspen; 42.4? diameter, 113' in height), Walla Walla Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest, northeastern Oregon Dave Powell
1208082 Tree(s) large-diameter tree with wolfy growth form Dave Powell
1208083 Tree(s) live tree with cavity hole in bole Dave Powell
5202045 Tree(s) Group of mid-sized quaking aspen Steven Katovich
5202046 Tree(s) Mature aspen stems, photo taken in northern Wisconsin Steven Katovich
5027098 Tree(s) Fall color in trembling aspen Joseph O'Brien
5356404 Tree(s) Terry L Spivey
5188092 Twig(s)/Shoot(s)

Root sprouts after harvest

Paul Bolstad

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