Populus tremuloides
Quaking Aspen

Family: Salicaceae (Willow family)

Photo taken in Icicle Canyon, 7 year old burn

photo of Populus tremuloides regrowth after wildfire
© 2001 Thayne Tuason





blade 2 to 7 cm, widely ovate, the base rounded to cordate; upper surface green, lower surface glaucous; petiole laterally flattened


medium sized trees, usually less than 15 meters tall; forming colonies; smooth white bark. Wood used to make dugout canoes by the Upper Thompson (Frazer Band). Bark powder used on feet and underarms as a deodorant and antiperspirant by the Okanagan-Colville. Bark powder rubbed on the underarms of girls and mens faces and arms to prevent the growth of hair by the Thompson.


streamsides, moist openings and slopes in subalpine forests, lowlands, and sage steppe

Distribution of species:

Alaska to Mexico, to Eastern North America

Distribution of genus:

40 species: northern hemisphere