



LID BMP Fact Sheets
Fact sheets include descriptions and diagrams of the practices, information on effectiveness, and sources of additional information. Developed by USEPA Office of Water and the LID Center. Publication Date: October 2000.

Bioretention Applications, Inglewood Demonstration Project, Largo, MD and Florida Aquarium, Tampa, FL
EPA Document # EPA-841-B-00-005A
[.PDF, 135kb]

Field Evaluation of Permeable Pavements for Stormwater Management, Olympia, WA
EPA Document # EPA-841-B-00-005B
[.PDF, 66kb]

Street Storage for Combined Sewer Surcharge Control, Skokie and Wilmette, IL
EPA Document # EPA-841-B-00-005C
[.PDF, 374kb]

Vegetated Roof Cover, Philadelphia, PA
EPA Document # EPA-841-B-00-005D
[.PDF, 153kb]

LID BMP Literature Review
A review of studies conducted by researchers in the United States and around the world on the effectiveness of LID and other Micro-scale practices to control a wide range of WWF problems. Developed by USEPA Office of Water and the LID Center. Publication Date: 2000.

Low Impact Development (LID) A Literature Review
EPA Document # EPA-841-B-00-005
[.PDF, 500kb]

LID National Manuals
These documents were prepared by the Prince George's County Maryland Department of Environmental Resources Programs and Planning Division (PGDER), with Assistance from US EPA. The documents provide an overview of LID strategies and techniques. The LID Center worked on the original Prince George’s County Manual which is the basis for the document. The design charts in the appendices of the Hydrologic Analysis document are not available on the internet at this time but may be obtained from the PGDER at (301) 883-5833.

Low-Impact Development Design Strategies An Integrated Design Approach
EPA 841-B-00-003, Publication Date: 1999
[.PDF, 8.5MB]

Low-Impact Development Hydrologic Analysis
EPA 841-B-00-002, Publication Date: 1999
[.PDF, 2MB]

Prince George's County Bioretention Manual
Publication Date: 2002

LID Brochures

Cover for Builder's Guide to Low Impact Development
Builder's Guide to Low Impact Development
This brochure is used to give municipal officials basic information and guidance on how to initiate acceptance of LID and integrate it into local building programs.
Publication Date: 2002
[.PDF, 90kb]
Cover for Municipal Guide to Low Impact Development
Municipal Guide to Low Impact Development
This brochure is used to give municipal officials basic information and guidance on how to initiate acceptance of LID and integrate it into local building programs.
Publication Date: 2002
[.PDF, 88kb]
LID Center Brochure (2003)
[.PDF, 2.34MB]
LID Center Brochure (2000)
[.PDF, 240kb]


LID Design Manuals and Reports

NRDC Rooftops to Rivers Report
A policy guide for decision makers on how to use Green Infrastructure to address water quality and volume reduction for communities with Combined Sewer Overflow issues.
Natural Resources Defense Council.
Publication Date: June 2006
[.PDF, 3MB]

Project 25-20(01): Evaluation of Best Management Practices for Highway Runoff Control
Low Impact Development Highway Manual (National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP)
The LID Center was a Co-Principal Investigator under a team lead by Oregon State University that developed comprehensive LID strategies for linear transportation projects. This effort included an LID design guidance manual.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies
Publication Date: May 2006  

Decentralized Stormwater Controls for Urban Retrofit and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Reduction (Water Environment Research Foundation, WERF, Report 03-SW-3)
This study demonstrates how decentralized controls can be integrated into CSO management strategies. It includes information on unit processes, modeling, and case studies.
IWA Publishing ($ Fee Charged for Publication)
Publication Date: April 2006

DoD United Facilities Criteria (UFC) Design Manual
This document was developed by the LID Center under contract to the National Institute of Building Sciences.
Publication Date: October 2004
[.PDF, 5.5MB]

Low Impact Development Design Manual (3-210-10) (United States Navy)
[Same as DoD UFC Design Manual Reference]
A step-by-step manual developed for the Department of Defense. The manual includes fact sheets on technologies, design examples, and a regulatory analysis.
The link takes you to the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) website, a web-based portal for government and industry practitioners.
Publication Date: October 2004

LID Presentations

Green Roof Demonstration Project Presentation
Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
Publication Date: February 2006.
[.PDF, 400Kkb]

Naval District Washington Pilot Projects

LID Pilot Projects Naval District Washington (NDW) Overview
This project was part of an overall initiative by Naval District Washington (NDW) to help maintain and restore the water quality of the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers and the
Chesapeake Bay.
[.PDF, 20kb]

LID Pilot Projects Naval District Washington (NDW) Practices
Fact sheet includes descriptions and diagrams of the practices used at NDW: Bioretention, Permeable Pavers, Rain Barrels and Disconnectivity, Street Tree Filters, Storm Drain Inlet Retrofits, and Soil Amendments.
[.PDF, 304kb]

LID Center Project Websites
The LID Center has created a number of website resources available to assist in the design of LID projects and the development of LID programs.

LID Center - Green Streets Website
The purpose of this website is to highlight significant Green Highways and Green Streets programs that the Center and other project partners have been involved in as examples and guidance for communities and institutions that are developing green infrastructure strategies for water resource protection, community development, and to address climate change through greening roads and communities.

Nannie Helen Burroughs - Great Street Project
Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE, is a 1.5 mile long minor arterial and multi-modal corridor that accommodates regional commuters, transit riders, local auto travel, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Nannie Helen Burroughs runs roughly parallel to Watts Branch, the largest tributary to the Anacostia River within the District with a drainage area of 3.75 Square miles.

Because of its context in this critical watershed, DDOT plans to redesign the Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue Corridor as a model of innovative, environmentally-progressive practices, in order to improve the local environment and quality of life. Proposed improvements include additional street trees, rain gardens, permeable pavement, a “road diet” reduction of impervious asphalt, bioretention cells, multi-chamber catch basins and other Stormwater / Best Management Practices (BMPs).

GHP U Blog
The Green Highways “U” Blog will report on green highways technologies, with contributions from key researchers. Blog entries will be made on a regular schedule, discussing the state of the art in green highways technology. The Blog is intended to report on current research into green highways technologies, and to provide a forum for researchers to communicate with one another and with the public at large.

The Green Highways Partnership is administered by EPA Region 3. The LID Center is a partner in the GHP, and has been contracted by EPA to develop a GHP “U” Blog. GHP “U” Blog is intended to obtain collaborative input on the components of a Green Highway and to keep a finger on the pulse of research being done on innovative stormwater management. The Blog will report on a wide range of technologies useful in green highway design.

Please contact us if you would like to contribute.
Website Launched: 2007

Rain Garden Design Templates
This site has been developed through an NFWF grant to display a series of rain garden, or bioretention, design templates that can be used by landscape architects, landscape contractors, and garden clubs throughout the Bay. These designs will promote the use of rain gardens and Bayscapes by providing a set of easily accessible high quality sustainable and maintainable designs for the landscape industry and citizens. A demonstration rain garden will be constructed at one of the areas leading arboretums and horticultural education centers.
Website Launched: 2007

Leadership in Low Impact Development Recognition Program
This project is an Assistance Agreement from EPA Region 3. It is being developed to serve as a model for Low Impact Development (LID) award programs for local governments and other EPA Regions.
Project Summary
Website Launched: 2007

LID Standard Details and Specifications Technical Guidelines
This web tool is being developed to help communities create better stormwater management programs through the advancement and implementation of sound technical solutions through the use of Low Impact Development (LID).
Web Page Launched: 2005

Watershed Impact Assessment Guidance for Public Lands and Facilities: An Approach for Municipal Managers to Integrate Watershed Management and Asset Management Strategies (April 2005)
This guide, developed by LMI with an EPA grant, is for state and local public works managers who are interested in integrating watershed management into their strategic municipal asset management process.
Web Page Launched: 2005

LID BMP Fact Sheets and Case Studies - Fairfax County, Virginia
The following page provides basic information on an initial candidate set of LID Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are currently being considered for incorporation into the Fairfax County, Virginia Public Facilities Manual (PFM). The goal is to provide sufficient information on each practice for the design and construction industry to begin a dialogue with the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWS) on the potential use and applicability of these BMPs in Fairfax County.
Web Page Launched: 2005

LID for Big Box Retailers
This effort was funded by an EPA Assistance Agreement through the EPA Office of Water. The recommendations or outcomes of this effort may or may not reflect the views or policies of EPA. The purpose of this project is to provide large building and site footprint high volume retailers with strategies that integrate innovative and highly effective Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management techniques into their site designs for regulatory compliance and natural resource protection at the local levels.
Website Launched: 2005

Quality Assurance for Nonpoint Source Best Management Practices (BMPs)
This site was developed as a beta version by the LID Center through a grant under the US EPA Region 1 in order to provide a web-based template that allows watershed stakeholders to address typical New England nonpoint source (NPS) concerns. The purpose of this website is to assist stakeholders in utilizing LID BMPs in their QAPPs. The goal of this project is to provide sufficient information on the potential use and applicability of several LID best management practices (BMPs). Provides one example of a general design process that can be utilized when implementing other LID BMPs. You can find other examples of successful LID BMP implementation here.
Website Launched: 2005

LID Strategies and Tools for NPDES Phase II Communities
This site was developed through a Cooperative Assistance Agreement under the U.S. EPA Office of Water 104b(3) program in order to assist stormwater Phase II communities integrate low impact development (LID) strategies into their compliance programs. LID is a rapidly growing approach to stormwater management that offers the opportunity for Phase II communities to develop a comprehensive natural resource and water quality protection program.
Website Launched: 2005

Supplement to CE News July 2004 Article - LID: Stormwater Management Meets Environmental Protection
This website accompanies the CE News article. The IMP References section is the heart of this site. It aims to be a one-stop location for quantitative information about the effectiveness of LID practices in meeting water quality and quantity objectives, and provides links related to: research, monitoring, detailed introductory material, and news articles.
Website Launched: 2004

LID Clearinghouse
The LID Clearinghouse is a forum that allows researchers, practitioners, and program managers to collaborate and efficiently disseminate and share information with local governments, states, builders, developers, stakeholders, and environmental groups. The administrative and technical information available through this clearinghouse will be useful to permit writers, local government officials, watershed managers, and stakeholders.
Website Launched: 2004

EPA Assistance Agreements
The following sites have been developed through a Cooperative Assistance Agreement under the US EPA Office of Water 104b(3) Program in order to provide guidance to local governments, planners, and engineers for developing, administering, and incorporating Low Impact Development (LID) into their aquatic resource protection programs.
Websites Launched: 2003

LID Integrated Management Practices (IMP) Standards and Specifications
This project includes specifications for four (4) commonly used LID IMP's. The purpose of these specifications are to provide public works agencies with a foundation to develop their own LID standards and specifications. The specifications are written using AASHTO and or ASTM criteria wherever possible in order to allow for communities to prepare consistent bid packages with commonly available materials. Standard drawings have also been provided in AutoCAD© and PDF format for ease of adaptation to local standards. EPA Assistance Agreement Project.

LID Planning Process for Urban Areas
Description:  This document provides some guidance on how urban planners and landscape architects can develop LID master plans and assess the feasibility of using LID’s multifunctional landscape for not only environmental protection and restoration, but community development. The document uses lessons learned from the Center’s work in the District of Columbia. It includes guidance on how to develop a planning process on how to efficiently evaluate areas for LID retrofits, the potential LID toolbox, and some of the potential benefits. EPA Assistance Agreement Project.
Draft: HTML (coming soon)

LID Training Program for Linear Transportation Projects
Description:  This presentation has been developed as an interactive training program for federal, state, and local transportation agencies. It was developed by the Center in association with GKY Associates ( The slides include the basic materials for each module and the instructor notes. The manual was developed in National Highway Institute format in order to be consistent with other transportation programs. EPA Assistance Agreement Project.

LID Sustainable School Projects
Description:  This assistance agreement provides instruction and information on how schools can learn about, design, construct, and monitor several types of LID school projects. It is meant as a resource for all grade levels. For example, the rain gardens project contains separate programs for elementary, middle, and senior high schools. EPA Assistance Agreement Project.

LID Master Plan for Anacostia River CSO Outfall 006
The LID Center, in association with the Anacostia Watershed Society, is developing an LID retrofit plan for the District of Columbia Office of Planning. When completed, it will serve as a model process for the District and other jurisdictions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This is one of three (3) Legacy grants awarded annually by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) as signature projects and is the first Legacy grant awarded to the District.
Project Summary
Website Launched: 2003

Anacostia - National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The LID Center has been located in the Anacostia watershed since the formation of our organization in 1998. The Anacostia is an incredibly wonderful place that many organizations are committed to helping restore. We have learned a tremendous amount from our work in the Anacostia. This page contains links to projects and organizations that are working in the Anacostia. This includes research organizations, stakeholders, and educational institutions. If you would like your project or organization listed please send us your URL and a one to two sentence description.
Web Page Launched: 2002

LID Urban Design Tools
This site provides watershed managers with a new set of tools and techniques that can be used to meet regulatory and receiving water protection program goals for urban retrofits, re-development projects, and new development sites.
Website Launched: 2001

LID Center Projects On Other Websites
The LID Center has worked on a number of projects that provide resources to assist in the design of LID projects and the development of LID programs.

LID Demonstration Project at EPA headquarters
