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Plan of Work update

Every four years, MU Extension files a plan of work application for funding with the United States Department of Agriculture -- detailing the focused programming areas Extension plans to provide at the statewide level. Additionally, a County Program Planning process takes place in each of Missouri's 114 counties to focus educational programs and resources at the local level.

USDA, the State of Missouri and county commissions -- as well as grant and contract agencies -- are all valuable funding sources and partners in Extension's mission to deliver research-based information and educational programs to people where they live and work. This partnership enables Extension to serve constituents with services and programs in a cost-effective and timely way.

MU Extension files an annual report and update to keep the USDA informed of the impacts of delivered services and programs as well as any changes that have been made in the scope of work. County annual reports delivered to county commissions inform local funders of the economic, social and environmental outcomes of Extension programming.

The 2007-11 planning process began with statewide stakeholder input, including:

Currently, summaries of these assessments are being forwarded to county extension councils for review, reaction and advice. Councils will give their input and advise regional and state faculty and administration on the most important factors to consider as County Program Plans are designed for the upcoming year. The goal is to improve program delivery at the local level and enhance communication with key stakeholders and decision makers.

Extension will not be able to respond to all needs in any given county. However, based on the councils' input and available resources, local faculty will work with the regional directors and program directors to deliver educational programs that respond to the identified needs. County Program Plans will be presented at July council meetings across the state. At that time, councils will have the opportunity to accept the plans or request changes. Educational programs will begin in July and continue throughout the next year.

The process of creating and adjusting the plan of work is an ongoing, cyclical process. The anticipated goal is that statewide and county plans will be reviewed annually. In spring 2007, councils will be asked to review progress to date and suggest revisions for program thrusts for the following year.

Extension will listen to stakeholder input constantly and deliberately, revising plans, implementing and evaluating programs accordingly, and collaborating with other agencies and institutions to maximize efforts.

Updated 7/13/06

Plan of Work news

County program plan guides

Extension programs

Public opinion survey

Identifying county needs for extension programs

County program planning resources