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Fee Waivers

West Side Visitor Centers

Monument Fees will be waived for school groups from accredited K-12 educational institutions visiting Mount St. Helens as part of a school assignment.

Chaperones - For every 5 students, one chaperone or teacher receives a free admittance. Once exceeded, additional chaperones must pay $8 for a multi-site pass.

Fee Payment - Fees may be paid at the visitor centers upon arrival.

Fee Waivers - Fee waivers are no longer available to university or Elderhostel groups.

The managment of the Mount St. Helens Visitor Center was transferred from the Forest Service to the Washington State Department of Parks and Recreation.  The Washington State Parks Department has their own separate fee structure of $3.00/adult.  This may impact your budget if you bring more chaperones than the 5:1 ratio allows. 

East and South of Mount St. Helens

Northwest Forest Pass Fees will be waived for school groups from accredited K-12 educational institutions visiting Mount St. Helens as part of a school assignment.

  • To obtain a Northwest Forest Pass educational fee waiver for each vehicle participating in the field trip, please submit a letter on school letterhead requesting a fee waiver at least two weeks prior to your visit. Please indicate the number of vehicles, students, and teacher/chaperones you anticipate will be part of the field trip. Fee waiver requests can be mailed to: c/o Teresa Newton, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Headquarters, 42218 NE Yale Bridge Road, Amboy, WA 98601, or send a FAX to Teresa Newton at 360-449-7801. 
  • A valid Northwest Forest Pass is required for every vehicle in attendance at sites on the South and East sides of Mount St. Helens. Northwest Forest Passes are $5.00 per day per vehicle.
  • These fee waivers are NOT for the visitor centers, only for the East and South side sites.
  • Fee Waivers - Fee waivers are no longer available to university or Elderhostel groups.

Where Can You Obtain a Northwest Forest Pass?

  • On the South side (Forest Roads 83 and 90), passes are available at self-service fee stations at:
  • On the East side (Forest Road 99), passes are available at:
    • Meta Lake Trailhead
    • Windy Ridge Viewpoint

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