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Field Trip Field Trip Destinations

Field Trip Field Trip Destinations - West Side >> Mount St. Helens Visitor Center

Mount St. Helens Visitor Center at Silver Lake


MSHVC - Silver Lake Visitor Center

Silver Lake Visitor Center
Washington State Parks & Recreation.



Located five miles east of Castle Rock, Washington, on the shores of Silver Lake, the Center introduces visitors to Mount St. Helens' history and to the powerful events that took place on May 18, 1980. Take a walk on the one mile Silver Lake Wetlands Trail and discover how this lake was formed by a previous eruption and how the aquatic life continues to change Silver Lake today. Visitors can enjoy distant views of Mount St. Helens and Silver Lake while identifying native plants, birds, and other wildlife.
Image - Green Horizontal Line

Education Programs Available

WRA - Interpretive Study Aids

Exhibits of Mount St. Helen's cultural and geologic history portray

  • The region's early human history through the eruptive events of 1980
  • The eruptive history of volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain Range
  • he anatomy of a volcano from within a volcano model
WRA - Interpretive Amphitheater
  • An 80-seat theater with a 22-minute and 15-minute presentations
  • A 40-Seat Silver Lake Meeting Room (advanced reservations required)
WRA - Interpretive Study Aids Ranger-led Interpretive Activities
WRA - Information General information area, including a Northwest Interpretive Association Bookstore
WRA - Interpretive Trail

The 1 mile Silver Lake Wetlands Trail explores a historic eruption that created Silver Lake and investigate the flora and fauna that inhabit it (wheel chair accessible)


Services Available

WRA - Ranger Station Ranger Station with first aid and communications
WRA - Drinking Water Drinking water
WRA - Public Toilets Toilet facilities
WRA - Picnic Area

*** There are no food services or picnic tables at this location ***

Seaquest State Park, located directly across Highway 504 from the Visitor Center, offers camping, hiking and picnicking.

WRA - Public Pay Telephone Public pay telephones - Please be aware that cellular telephones do not function properly in most of the Monument and surrounding Gifford Pinchot National Forest.
WRA - Parking Symbol Parking for 300 cars and 12 buses, Seaquest State Park, located directly across Highway 504 from the Visitor Center offers camping, hiking and picnicking

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