The online resource for practitioner members of APA.

APA Practice Organization
Companion organization enables expanded professional advocacy for psychology.

Advancing Colleague Assistance in Professional Psychology

2005 Presidential Task Force on Evidence-Based Practice

Health Care for the Whole Person Statement of Vision and Principles

Psychologically Healthy Workplace Awards

Legislative Advocacy
Fact Sheets and Advocacy Alerts.

Public Education Campaign
Campaign updates and how to get involved.

A website devoted to finding help for life's problems.

Disaster Response Network
Volunteer network for psychologists.


Policy and Advocacy in the Schools

Security Rule Workbook

Subscribe to the APA list for practicing psychologists!

Information and Resources for Practicing Psychologists
Practice Guidelines, Pointers, Psychology Fact Sheets, and Licensing Information.

Perspectives in Practice
A Regular Column in APA's Monitor on Psychology by Practice Executive Director Katherine C. Nordal, PhD

The APA College of Professional Psychology
Post-licensure certification

SMI Training Grid
Training Grid Outlining Best Practices for Recovery and Improved Outcomes for People with Serious Mental Illness.

2009 Distinguished Professional Contributions Awards
Nominate your colleagues now for the 2009 Distinguished Professional Contributions Awards.

Practice Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First St., N.E.
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 336-5800

We cannot respond to specific questions regarding personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, professional resources available in your area or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you believe you might benefit from the services of a mental health professional, please call 1-800-964-2000 to receive a referral to a psychologist in the United States or Canada. If you live elsewhere, contact your national psychological association or a local mental health facility. If you believe you need immediate assistance, please call your local emergency number or the mental health crisis hotline listed in your local phone book's government pages.

© 2009 American Psychological Association
Practice Directorate
750 First Street, NE • Washington, DC • 20002-4242
Phone: 202-336-5800 • TDD/TTY: 202-336-6123
Fax: 202-336-5797 • Email
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