Difference, Power & Discrimination

About the DPD Program

DPD Faculty Seminar participants engaged in a workshop sessionMission


The DPD Program works to create a more inclusive curriculum that addresses issues of race, class, gender, sexual identity, and other institutionalized systems of inequality.  The Program provides faculty and staff with the education and resources needed to develop or modify comparative diversity courses.


Welcome from the Director


Welcome to the web page of OSU's Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program!

The Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD) Program is a nationally-recognized resource that focuses on curriculum transformation for social justice education.  Begun in the early 1990s in response to student demand, the DPD Program provides faculty with educational opportunitiies to revise their course content and classroom practices to reflect a thorough integration of issues of gender, race, social class, sexual identity, age, ability, and religion.  The Program offers an annual 60-hour summer seminar, as well as periodic workshops and presentations throughout the academic year.  The DPD Program also sponsors campus and community wide events that focus on issues of diversity and social justice.

The DPD Program is also available to provide counsulting services, workshops, and lectures for other academic and professional institutions.  We can tailor our presentations to a variety of time formats and audiences, from a two-hour presentatation to to a one or two day workshop to a one or two week seminar.  For more information or to schedule a presentation, contact DPD director, Susan Shaw.


Contact DPD


Susan M. Shaw


Amber D. Lacy
Program Associate

DPD Program
Phone: 541.737.2760
Fax: 541.737.2434

Postal Mail:
Difference, Power, and Discrimination
200 Gilkey Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-6208


Difference, Power & Discrimination, Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Contact us with your comments, questions and feedback
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