NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20025241

Safety Analysis of Surface Haulage Accidents


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Research on improving haulage truck safety, started by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, is being continued by its successors. This paper reports the orientation of the renewed research efforts, beginning with an update on accident data analysis, the role of multiple causes in these accidents, and the search for practical methods for addressing the most important causes. Fatal haulage accidents most often involve loss of control or collisions caused by a variety of factors. Lost-time injuries most often involve sprains or strains to the back or multiple body areas, which can often be attributed to rough roads and the shocks of loading and unloading. Research to reduce these accidents includes improved warning systems, shock isolation for drivers, encouraging seatbelt usage, and general improvements to system and task design.

Author(s):Randolph-RF, Boldt-CM
Reference:Proc 27th Annual Institute on Mining Health, Safety and Research. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1996 Jan; :29-38

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division