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Field Trip Essentials


Don't Be Caught Unprepared!

The following tips will help teachers and students get ready for your field trip to Mount St. Helens. A condensed checklist of what a well-prepared teacher should bring and a well-prepared student can be found at the bottom of this page.

Tip #1   Be Prepared for Cool Wet Weather

Rain jackets, warm clothes, and extra clothes are mandatory for each individual. Sturdy shoes are also necessary for any kind of hiking!  Everyone student should bring a backpack for his/her extra clothes.


  • The majority of schools come in the spring and fall seasons; both of which can vary in temperature and precipitation.
  • Expect extreme conditions in mountainous areas and prepare accordingly.
  • Generally speaking, for every 1,000 feet elevation gain, the temperature is 3-5°F cooler.  The Johnston Ridge observatory is 4200 feet above sea level.
  • For snow levels and road closure information call (360) 449-7800.
  • For current weather conditions visit the National Weather Service.

Tip #2  FOOD! Bring trash bags!


  • There are no trash cans at the at Coldwater Lake Recreation Area.
  • Trash bags give you and your group the means to clean up after yourselves and help keep our Monument clean!
  • Eating lunch on the bus is always an option if it is cold and wet.
  • Restaurants are located at Hoffstadt Bluffs visitor center only. Permission must be granted from the restaurants themselves in order to eat sack lunches inside the restaurant.

Tip #3  Bring and Drink WATER!!


  • Sodas dehydrate our bodies.
  • Please have each student and every chaperone bring a bottle of water with them in their backpack.

Tip #4  Prepare packets prior to your field trip.

  • Color-coded worksheets - It makes is easier for students to find worksheets.
  • Clipboards or 9x12 piece of cardboard and a metal binder clip - This provides a hard surface for students to write on worksheets.
  • Freezer bags big enough to fit over clipboards/cardboards - It keeps student worksheets dry.
  • Rubber band for each clipboard/cardboard - They hold worksheets in place during windy conditions.
  • PENCILS! - Pens stop working when it rains.

The Well-Prepared Teacher

  • Meet with teachers and chaperones before your scheduled field trip
  • Review your schedule and chaperone duties and expectations
  • Personal all-weather clothing
    • Clothes
    • Sunscreen
    • Trash Bags
    • Food
    • Water
    • Worksheets
    • Clipboard/Cardboard
    • Plastic Zip Lock Bags for boards
    • Rubber bands
    • Pencils
    • Copy of registration, itinerary, lesson plan etc.


The Well-Prepared Student

  • Warm clothes (sweater, pants)
  • Rain jacket
  • Hat and sunglasses
  • Extra clothes (socks, shirt, pants)
  • Two sharpened PENCILS
  • Student Packet:
    • Worksheets
    • Clipboard/cardboard
    • Zip lock bag
    • Rubber band
  • Your willingness to learn and your SMILE!!

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