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NIH Record Awardees

Thoma Promoted to Fellow

Dr. George Thoma, chief, Communications Engineering Branch, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, NLM, is one of 24 members of the International Society for Optical Engineering who were promoted to fellow of the society at its recent annual meeting in Denver. He was cited "for technical accomplishments and extensive contributions in the areas of imaging processing, document image understanding, and biomedical image databases."

Wang Awarded New Scholar in Aging Prize

Dr. Weidong Wang, head of the transcription remodeling and regulation unit at NIA's Laboratory of Genetics, recently received the Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Aging Award. The $200,000 award provides support to conduct basic biological research in the field of aging over 4 years. Wang is characterizing a novel protein complex involved in the human premature aging disease Werner syndrome (WS) at NIA's Gerontology Research Center in Baltimore. A rare genetic disease that usually becomes apparent after the teen years, WS is a model that scientists can compare to normal human aging.

FIC's Bridbord Receives Award for HIV/AIDS Education, Training Efforts

Dr. Kenneth Bridbord (c), director of the FIC Division of International Training and Research, received a Special Recognition Award at the recent International Conference on Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants. Citing his dedication, perseverance and innovation in recognizing the importance of international education and training in HIV/AIDS, the awards committee honored his role in the expansion of scientific and clinical efforts in HIV/AIDS prevention. Bridbord has been instrumental in developing the FIC AIDS International Training and Research Program, which enables U.S. schools of medicine and public health to provide HIV/AIDS-related training to scientists and health professionals from developing countries and to forge collaborative ties with research institutions in countries of strategic importance in HIV/AIDS research. Under his stewardship, the program has trained over 1,600 individuals at the Ph.D. or postdoctoral level and thousands more through advanced in-country training. Presenting the award are Dr. Arthur Amman (l), president, and Natasha Martin of Global Strategies for HIV Prevention.

Five NIH'ers Elected to IOM

Five NIH employees were among the 55 people newly elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. Members are chosen for their major contributions to health and medicine or to related fields such as social and behavioral sciences, law, administration and economics. Election to the institute is both an honor and an obligation to work on behalf of the organization in its governance and studies. With their election, members make a commitment to devote a significant amount of volunteer time as members of committees engaged in a broad range of studies on health policy issues. The newly elected NIH'ers are Dr. Kenneth Fischbeck, chief of NINDS's Neurogenetics Branch; Dr. Patricia Grady, NINR director; Dr. Richard Hodes, NIA director; Betsy Humphreys, assistant director for health services research information, and deputy associate director for library operations, NLM; and Dr. Daniel Weinberger, chief of the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch in NIMH's intramural research program.

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