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NIH Record News Briefs

Snowdon To Speak at NIA Symposium, May 18

Dr. David Snowdon, a principal investigator of the Nun Study, a longitudinal study of health and aging at the University of Kentucky, is one of four speakers at the National Institute on Aging symposium, "Neuroscience: The Splice, the Mice, the Neuron, and the Nun," Tuesday, May 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10. The symposium celebrates the 100th birthday of Florence S. Mahoney, a founding member of the national advisory council on aging. Other speakers are Dr. Michael Hutton, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville; Karen Hsiao Ashe, University of Minnesota; and Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

NIH BIG Silent Auction and Social, May 21

On Friday, May 21, the NIH chapter of Blacks in Government will sponsor its Third Silent Auction and Membership Social from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences Social and Academic Center, 9101 Old Georgetown Rd. All NIH employees are invited to participate. There will be light refreshments, auction items, door prizes and fun for everyone. For more information, contact Reginald Russell, 496-6077, or Sonia Davis-Clemons, 435-3835.

NIH BIG Lecture Features Author, May 25

The NIH chapter of Blacks in Government will present a lecture and book signing of The Wreck of the Henrietta Marie by scuba diver, prize-winning journalist and author Michael H. Cottman on Tuesday, May 25 at 11:30 a.m. in Lipsett Amphitheater, Bldg. 10. The Wreck of the Henrietta Marie is a true story of an African American's spiritual journey to uncover a sunken slave ship's past and the history of its passengers and crew. Cottman reveals the powerful sensation he felt as he held the shackles that once bound men, women and children in their tortured passage to America. This is the first in a series of educational programs that will be presented by the NIH BIG chapter. All of the programs are open to all NIH employees. For more information, contact Clifton Moore, 496-8980, or O.H. Laster, 496-6302.

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series — held on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 — features Dr. Roderick Mackinnon on May 26. He will discuss "Molecular Basis of K+ Conduction and Selectivity in Potassium Channels." He is an HHMI investigator in the laboratory of molecular neurobiology and biophysics, Rockefeller University.

On June 2, there will be a special doubleheader presentation: from noon to 1 p.m., Dr. Amartya K. Sen, 1998 Nobel Laureate in economics and master, Trinity College, Cambridge, U.K., will give the NIH Director's Cultural Lecture, "Conflicting Principles of Health Evaluation." Then from 3 to 4 p.m., Dr. Edward M. De Robertis, HHMI investigator and N. Sprague professor of molecular oncology, department of biological chemistry, UCLA, will speak on "Patterning of the Vertebrate Embryo by Secreted Growth Factor Inhibitors."

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, 594-5595.

Chamber Music Concert, May 30

The Rock Creek Chamber Players will perform at 3 p.m. on Sunday, May 30 in the 14th floor assembly hall at the Clinical Center. Reservations are required for this free public concert, sponsored by the recreation therapy section. The program will include Bach's A minor violin concerto; Webern's string quartet, Op. 28; and three movements by Claude Bolling for 'cello, bass and piano. For reservations and information call (202) 337-8710.

OTT Holds Seminar on Interactions with Industry, June 3

The NIH Office of Technology Transfer and the IC technology transfer offices will present "Interacting with the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Community — What Scientists Need to Know," on Thursday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Bldg. 1. The seminar will provide information on the collaborative process, inventions and patentability, current topics in technology transfer, and how scientists can share in the royalty income stream that derives from their scientific effort. Scientists at all levels are strongly encouraged to attend. For more information see:

If you are a person with a disability and require an assistive device, services or other reasonable accommodation to participate in this activity, contact Lauren Neal at 402-5579 during business hours at least one week before the event.

Golf Outing Supports NIH Charities, June 5-6

Three charities serving patients at NIH will benefit from a golf weekend at Canaan Valley, June 5-6. The West Virginia Mobil 3-star resort run by Guest Services is opening its facility for NIH golfers and would-be golfers in support of the Children's Inn, Camp Fantastic/Special Love, and Friends of the Clinical Center.

The entry fee of $150 per player, due by May 20, covers: one night lodging (double occupancy); 2 days greens and cart fees; box lunch, barbecue cookout dinner, cocktail awards party, breakfast. The main golf tournament will be held on Saturday at noon (shotgun start). Also, a First Swing clinic for beginning golfers will be held, and a 5-hole mini-tournament for beginners will be held concurrently.

Any "golf widows" will have things to do in the area: scenic chair-lift ride, guided shopping trip to Thomas, or a tour of Blackwater Falls. Fee for nongolfers (double occupancy) is $75. Call Wendy Williams at R&W, 496-6061, for entry forms and more information.

CIT Changes Parachute Application Procedure

Are you thinking of applying for CIT Parachute service? If so, you should know that the application process has changed.

Parachute (PPP & Apple Remote Access Central High-speed User Telecommuting Engine) allows users to connect to NIH and institute computing resources while traveling with a mobile computer or working with a home computer equipped with a high-speed modem. To be eligible for Parachute service, NIH employees and contractors must have a CIT account with an assigned set of initials and have a valid business reason for needing this service.

Once your supervisor has approved your use of this remote access service, your account sponsor must submit your Parachute application via Web sponsor at: If you don't know who your sponsor is, visit, enter your account or IC and click search.

Want to order or download Parachute software and documentation, or need more information about this service? Visit the Parachute Web site at: For more information, call CIT, 594-6248.

A Place To Work, Away from the Office

Computer access to finish the agenda, checking your email messages, the urgent phone call to return, the fax that must be sent within the next half hour, or just space (away from the noisy cafeteria) to organize your thoughts for a meeting later in the day — the trappings of work that must be fulfilled regardless of location. Anyone who works off-campus and has a meeting on the NIH campus has an "office" waiting to be used where all of this and much more can be accomplished. The On-Campus Work Center, located in Bldg. 31, Rm. 1A1E09 (next to the cafeteria), is available to all NIH employees who need a short-term place to work away from their office. The only requirement is that center users sign-in.

Sponsored by the NIH quality of work life committee, the center in many ways is a haven for both on- and off-campus employees. "When I was working in Bldg. 1, the center was a place I utilized when I was in meetings in Bldg. 31. I could go in, make a couple of phone calls and check my email. It just makes my life easier," said Shelly Moran, management intern.

The On-Campus Work Center is equipped with a fax/copier machine, telephones and five workstations, which feature three personal computers, two Macintoshes and two plugs to accommodate individuals' notebooks. The room is wheelchair accessible and is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The office is supplied by ORS staff and CIT will respond to calls from center users.

Lewis Crowned Miss Montco

Camille JeaneƩ Lewis , a stay-in-school clerk-typist working in NIH's Executive Secretariat, was recently crowned Miss Montgomery County. A sophomore majoring in music education at the University of Maryland, she is a Maryland native and has studied and played violin for 14 years. Lewis attends UM on a full scholarship she received from the Maryland Distinguished Scholarship for Talent. In the Miss Montco pageant, she was awarded $300 in scholarship money and earned the chance to compete in June at the Miss Maryland Scholarship Pageant, which is an official preliminary for the Miss America Pageant. Win or lose her next competition, Lewis says she hopes to earn a spot on a symphony orchestra after retiring from her beauty pageant career and graduating from school.

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