United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Regional Agricultural Economic Information Sources

Updated 01/12/2009


Canadian Crop budgets

Links to Enterprise Budgets, Conservation Costs, and Software by States/County and Links to Agriculture Economics, Extension, and Government Ag. sites
Agricultural Sector Model (ASM) Production Regions

Additional Information Sources:

The USDA Economic Research Service maintains a national Commodity Costs and Returns including estimated annual production costs and returns and published accounts for major field crop and livestock enterprises since 1975.

The National Ag Risk Educational Library maintains a listing of State Budgets at http://www.agrisk.umn.edu/budgets/

The new NRCS e-Field Office Technical Guide can be accessed via the NRCS National Office Web Site.

Another source of simple national and regional cropping costs information from Economic Research Service (ERS).  This is a subpart of their Farm Business Economics Briefing Room (featuring current analyses and data of major farm, business, and household indicators). If you have questions or comments, e-mail Bob McElroy.

The CARE budget databases for each of 63 Production Regions of the US (the same regions used in the Agricultural Sector Model (ASM)) include conventional, minimal till, and no till budgets for each major crop. Details on their formation can be found in Development of Selected Crop Enterprise Budgets for the United States by Benson, V. W., E. J. Jordan, R. Davis, S. Neitsch and A. Meinardus. March, 1997.   For documentation on the outside use of these budgets.  Adobe Acrobat documentCost of Production System Budgets (456 KB).
The DOS CARE program is downloadable from ftp://ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/Economics/care/doscare/

Select a State
Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado
Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii
Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota
Mississippi Missouri Maine Maryland Montana
Nebraska New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota
Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota
Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia
Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska