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Global Productivity

Agricultural productivity depends not only on inputs like labor, fertilizer, and machinery, but also on land, climate, genetic materials, and other resources. ERS has analyzed how the availability and quality of these resources affect agricultural productivity at regional and global levels, and how farmers' management choices are influenced by economic, environmental, and institutional factors.


Linking Land Quality, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security—This report finds that land degradation does not threaten productivity growth or food security at the global level, but does pose problems where soils are fragile, property rights are insecure, and farmers have limited access to information and markets.

Crop Genetic Resources: An Economic Appraisal—Half the yield gains in major cereal crops since the 1930s are attributed to genetic improvements, but without continued improvement using diverse germplasm from both wild and modified sources, yields might eventually grow more slowly or even decline.

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