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Agricultural Research

More efficient agricultural machinery, agricultural chemicals and fertilizers, genetic improvements in crops, and changes in farm management techniques have transformed U.S. agriculture. Agricultural research has been the single most important source of these advances. ERS reports funding trends for agricultural research, assesses the potential for public and private research collaboration, and evaluates the importance of alternative research strategies for enhancing productivity.


Agricultural Research and Development: Public and Private Investments Under Alternative Markets and Institutions—Empirical studies show high economic returns from the public's investment in agricultural research. Although society is placing broader demands on the research system, public funding is unlikely to increase. Despite increased private investment, key elements still require public support.

21st Century Agriculture: A Critical Role for Science and Technology—Advances in science and technology contributed to gains in global agricultural productivity in the 20th century. Worldwide impact of agricultural innovations has been uneven. Future technological improvements will result from both traditional agricultural research and other emerging disciplines.

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