What Have You Done With Your Old Cell Phone?

Posted on July 17th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

About the author: Lina Younes has been working for EPA since 2002 and chairs EPA’s Multilingual Communications Task Force. Prior to joining EPA, she was the Washington bureau chief for two Puerto Rican newspapers and she has worked for several government agencies.

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Modern technology enables us to be connected 24-7. Whether it’s via a computer, a PDA or a cell phone—most of us have some portable device to connect with family, friends, or work at a moment’s notice. Some of us rely on modern technology to be “connected” to the office even while away. (I recently committed that egregious act—repeatedly– during a recent family vacation). Others rely on the cell phone to text to or chat with friends about their daily comings and goings.

As I’ve mentioned before, I have four daughters. My 6 year old still does not have a cell phone, but she’s quite tech-savvy for her early years. She often surprises me with her technology skills. On the other hand, my other three daughters are avid Internet and cell phone users. Each with her own personality and cell phone needs. That brings me to today’s issue. How do you keep up with your mobile needs without hurting the environment?

I pose the question because many of us discard our unwanted cell phones after a couple of years even though they still are in good condition because we want the latest in mobile technology or perhaps we want a battery with more durability. These unwanted cell phones and accessories often clutter our drawers or, in worse cases, landfills. These discarded e-devices are made with precious materials that can be recycled. So why don’t we?

There are many ways to donate or recycle these used cell phones and other used electronics. Learn more about our Plug-In to eCycling program as well as our cell phone recycling campaign in English and Spanish. Let’s teach our children more about the life cycle of a cell phone, perhaps they’ll have a greater appreciation for these communication devices to limit e-waste—and unnecessary text messages as well.

¿Qué hacer con su viejo teléfono celular?

Sobre la autor: Lina M. F. Younes ha trabajado en la EPA desde el 2002 y está a cargo del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Comunicaciones Multilingües. Como periodista, dirigió la oficina en Washington de dos periódicos puertorriqueños y ha laborado en varias agencias gubernamentales.

La tecnología moderna nos permite estar conectados las 24 horas del día. Sea mediante la computadora, un PDA o un teléfono celular—la mayoría de nosotros tiene algún dispositivo portátil para estar conectados al instante con familiares, amigos o el trabajo. Algunos de nosotros dependemos de la tecnología moderna para estar “conectados” a la oficina cuando estamos de vacaciones. (Cometí ese pecado mortal repetidamente durante unas vacaciones recientes con mi familia) Otros dependen de su celular para enviar mensajes de texto o simplemente conversar con amigos sobre el quehacer diario.

Como he mencionado antes, tengo cuatro hijas. La pequeña todavía no tiene un celular, pero se maneja muy bien con la tecnología moderna pese a su edad. A veces me sorprenden sus destrezas tecnológicas. Por otra parte, mis otras tres hijas son empecinadas internautas y usuarias de móviles. Cada una tiene su propia personalidad y gustos de telefonía móvil. Eso me lleva al tema de hoy, ¿cómo podemos adaptarnos a nuestras necesidades de telefonía móvil sin hacerle daño al medio ambiente?

Planteo la pregunta porque muchos de nosotros descartamos nuestros celulares usados dentro de un par de años a pesar de que todavía están en buenas condiciones o porque simplemente queremos la última tecnología móvil o buscamos una batería con mayor durabilidad. Estos celulares y accesorios indeseados muchas veces son arrinconados en nuestras gavetas o peor, amontonados en nuestros rellenos sanitarios. Estos aparatos electrónicos descartados tienen materiales preciosos que podemos reciclar. ¿Entonces, por qué no lo hacemos?

Hay muchas maneras de donar o reciclar estos celulares u otros aparatos electrónicos usados. Aprenda más sobre nuestro programa “Conéctese al reciclaje electrónico”, así como nuestra campaña de reciclaje de celulares en español. Enseñémosle a nuestros hijos sobre el ciclo de vida del teléfono celular, quizás tengan una mayor apreciación por estos aparatos de comunicaciones y así limiten los desechos electrónicos—y los mensajes de texto innecesarios también.

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12 Responses to “What Have You Done With Your Old Cell Phone?”

  1. Karen Says:

    I have only had one cell phone, and I intend to keep it until it breaks. The mineral coltan, a vital component in the capacitors that control current flow in cell phone circuit boards, is mined in Mountain Gorilla habitat. So recycle your cell phone and save a gorilla!


  2. Jason Says:

    We donated ours to our American Armed Forces.


  3. Chip Says:

    I am going to send this blog article to my wife. She is the queen of recycling. She will find a way to implement this into a company-wide project.

    Chip Stumpff
    Windswept Organix


  4. Joan Says:

    Karen–I never thought about the all those metals in my cute little cell phone. I really do try to be aware of how my choices influence the wider world; thanks for teaching me something today!


  5. Helmut Neumann Says:

    It’s true, most cell phones are hoarded and I had to point the finger at myself too. Until I read about what difference it makes. It’s about 44% that are just kept somewhere, but at least they’re not in the landfill. And it’s amazing to what amount of material even small devices can sum up to (see http://muffin.freehostia.com/blog/?p=11 or http://www.nokia.com/A4136001?newsid=1234291).

    Unfortunately even more phones end up in the waste system than are being recycled. (4% vs. 3%).


  6. Kaye in Kentucky Says:

    I donated my old cell phone to a Spousal Abuse Center for parents and kids who need to dial 911 FREE. It’s a shame that this is an option, but it’s the truth about the world we live in today. I hope that helping our neighbor and RECYCLING counts as a super GREEN EFFORT!


  7. Karen Says:

    No problem Joan! Just passing on what I learned at the Philadelphia Zoo.


  8. Dawn Says:

    Donating your cell phone isn’t always an environmentally friendly alternative. Many of the organizations that collect phones for fund-raising purposes sell them to companies that re-sell them to developing countries where they end up as hazardous waste that is not recycled or even sent to a modern landfill. Most people who “donate” their phones are just dumping junk they don’t want, and in countries that aren’t equipped to handle it.


  9. Gary Thompson Says:

    When I upgrade cell phones, I usually will keep the old one around for a little while in case the new one drops and breaks. All of my old cell phones are eventually recycled.

    Gary P. Thompson
    - Author of “Finding Cell Phone Numbers”


  10. mcupert Says:

    I already gave my old cell phone to my relative. In my country there isn’t organization-alike that collect phones for any purpose. So, temporarily i just dump my junk.



  11. Robert says: Says:

    I am glad we found this site because I am with recyclephones.org.
    Go to our website and it will explain what to do with your old
    cell phone.

    Hope it helps you make a decision what to do with your old
    cell phone.


  12. Travis Says:

    It’s easy just go to: http://www.recyclephones.org/
    or straight to the free shipping label:


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