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Full Record

 Title:EPA's Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program: Highlights of the Final Revised Rule
 Creator:Copeland, C.
 Publisher:Congressional Research Service
 Date Created:2000-07-18
 Description:This report discusses the final rule and the key modifications of the August 1999 proposal regarding the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program under Section 3 03 (d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) to revise existing regulations. The final rule builds on the current TMDL regulatory program and adds details, specific requirements, and deadlines. It retains the basic elements of the 1999 proposal for more comprehensive identification of impaired waters, schedules and minimum elements for TMDLs, and new public participation requirements. At the same time, dropped from the final rule are several provisions that were most controversial in the proposal, including some potentially affecting agriculture and forestry, one that would have required pollutant discharge offsets in some circumstances, and one that would have required states to identify waters threatened but not yet impaired by pollution.
 Subjects - NAL Thesaurus:total maximum daily load/ water quality standards/ water pollution/ Clean Water Act/ laws and regulations/ Environmental Protection Agency/ agricultural runoff/ concentrated animal feeding operations/ forestry/ aquaculture/ pollutants/ citizen participation/ public water supply/ drinking water/ endangered species/ environmental policy/ water policy/ United States/
 Supplemental Subjects:TMDL/ CAFOs/ EPA
 Coverage Jurisdiction:United States
 Notes:CRS Report for Congress, RL30611 ; Also accessible from
 Source:CRS Report for Congress, RL30611
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