1983-2006--Number of Employees, Total Number of Hours Worked, and Number of Full-time Equivalent Employees; Excludes Office Employees; Data Source: MSHA
Year Number of employees Employee hours Full-time equivalent employees
1983 373,914 658,576,801 329,288
1984 388,337 705,125,966 352,563
1985 376,310 681,203,834 340,602
1986 357,760 652,474,530 326,237
1987 348,977 643,932,909 321,966
1988 353,839 655,908,158 327,954
1989 359,629 663,165,641 331,583
1990 364,782 672,381,421 336,191
1991 349,382 634,542,143 317,271
1992 337,587 613,090,891 306,545
1993 321,954 582,104,242 291,052
1994 331,606 601,769,460 300,885
1995 324,595 596,961,357 298,481
1996 319,541 597,075,102 298,538
1997 325,536 599,461,036 299,731
1998 321,174 591,861,391 295,931
1999 317,334 576,691,215 288,346
2000 312,723 563,782,785 281,891
2001 312,556 561,667,838 280,834
2002 296,026 526,026,353 263,013
2003 287,517 513,783,131 256,892
2004 295,817 542,043,088 271,022
2005 311,127 577,209,595 288,605
2006 328,782 603,761,840 301,881
Total 8,016,805 14,614,600,727 7,307,300

Page last updated: 9/26/2008
Page last reviewed: 9/26/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)