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Summary of Analysis Strategies for Measuring Regional Transportation Related Impacts of Growth Management and Land Use Strategies

This study summarizes existing modeling tools that measure the impacts of regional transportation on land use and development. The studies identify ways three communities estimated the effects of land use changes on travel patterns, energy use, and emissions. The overall study also looked at ways three communities measured differences in inner urban, suburban, and exurban areas.

Topics of Special Interest

  • 2003 Call for Entries - National Award for Smart Growth Achievement, sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • Applications will be accepted in five categories: Built Projects, Policies and Regulations, Community Outreach, Public Schools, and Overall Excellence in Smart Growth.
    • Entries were due on June 30, 2003 and will be announced in November 2003.
    • Visit the 2003 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement website for more information.

  • International Walk to School Day, October 8, 2003 - The International Walk to School Month gives children, parents, school teachers and community leaders an opportunity to be part of a global event as they celebrate the many benefits of walking.

TCSP Annual Reports

  • 1st Year Report (1999) - This report gives a thorough overview of the TCSP Program objectives and explains how the program works. The report also identifies the first-year awards, project descriptions, and accomplishments.
  • 3rd Year Report (2001) (or PDF 7.5 MB) - This report reviews the accomplishments of the TCSP program following its first three years of implementation. Between fiscal years 1999 and 2001, a total of 199 grants valued at $91.1 million have been awarded to government agencies throughout the United States.
  • 3rd Year Report 2001, Highlights - This booklet highlights the accomplishments of the TCSP Program following its first three years of implementation through descriptions of key projects, lessons learned, and effective practices.

TCSP Workshops

  • TCSP Forum - October 19, 2001 - Gainsville, Florida - This forum highlighted the following TCSP projects including best practices and lessons learned:

    • Eastern Planning Initiative - Charlottesville, VA
    • Alternative Transportation Futures - Willamette, OR
    • Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Tempe, AZ
    • Integrated Transportation and Land Use Sketch Planning Methods - Gainesville, FL
    • Smart Growth Index - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • The TCSP Grant Workshop Washington, D.C. September 14-15, 2000 - This workshop allowed people from all types of communities to share information, ideas, and experiences and to share their common interest in the goals of the TCSP program.

  • TCSP Grant Workshop Denver, May 1999 - This workshop allowed people from all types of communities to share information, ideas, and experiences and to share their common interest in the goals of the TCSP program.

TCSP Related Workshops & Conferences

  • New Partners for Smart Growth - 3rd Annual Conference, January 22-24, 2004; Portland, Oregon - This conference included a dynamic mix of plenaries, interactive breakouts, "hands-on" workshops, pre-conference trainings, and evening salon sessions that featured the latest on cutting-edge smart growth issues, implementation tools and strategies, best practices, interactive learning experiences, new partners, new projects, and new policies.

Past Workshops & Conferences of Interest

  • New Partners for Smart Growth, January 24-26, 2002; San Diego, California - This link to audio excerpt of presentation provides the complete audiotapes of the workshop and conference presentations.
  • New Partners for Smart Growth, January 30 - February 1, 2003; New Orleans, Louisiana - This conference addressed the issues and concerns of citizens and communities across the nation face regarding current development patterns dominated by "urban" sprawl.

Publications of Interest

  • A Guide to Metropolitan Transportation Planning Under ISTEA (USDOT) - This guide provides the framework for linking the various elements of ISTEA's transportation planning process together in a comprehensive manner; and provides information, suggestions, and examples of ways to carry out the metropolitan planning process.
  • The Environmental Guidebook - This guide provides information on a variety of environmental and transportation planning topics.
  • Getting to Smart Growth: 100 Policies for Implementation - This popular, 100-page primer from the ongoing series by ICMA and the Smart Growth Network describes concrete techniques of putting the ten smart growth principles into practice. The policies and guidelines presented in this primer have proven successful in communities across the United States, and range from formal legislative or regulatory efforts to informal approaches, plans, and programs.
  • Wisconsin Transportation Planning Resource Guide - The purpose of this guide is to provide transportation planning related information and help communities in the process of transportation planning to successfully develop the transportation element.
  • Domestic Scan Tour Report- Land Use and Transportation Coordination: Lessons Learned from Domestic Scan Tour - This report provides highlights from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sponsored a domestic scan tour from September 30 to October 4, 2002, which focused on local efforts to integrate transportation and land use policies. The scan team visited Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Teton County, Wyoming. Each of these communities is experiencing growth challenges and is exploring strategies for better integrating transportation and land use.

Community Toolkit

Technical Solutions
  • Toolbox for Regional Policy Analysis - The Toolbox provides MPOs and DOTs involved in regional planning activities information on the application of tools addressing a variety of planning issues, including land use forecasting, accessibility analysis (which can assist in the benefit estimation side of EJ), and freight analysis, among others.

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