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Accretion of Duties - The gradual addition of duties to a position description that results in an upgrading and non-competitive promotion of the individual(s) encumbering the position description. The new position description must contained (1) the major duties of the former position description and the former position is cancelled; (2) the new position has no known promotion potential; AND (3) the additional duties do not adversely affect another occupied position.

Amendment - An official written statement of changes to a position already classified where the changes are substantial, but not sufficient enough to warrant a complete rewrite and classification of the position description.

Appeal (classification) - An official written request for reclassification of a position by the employee assigned to the position. An appeal may involve a request to change the pay plan, title, occupational series or grade level.

Audit (desk audit/position audit) - Discussion with an employee and his/her supervisor to verify or gather information about a position.

Classification Standards - Official standards issued by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). All civilian positions in the Federal government must be classified in conformance with the OPM position classification and job grading standards.

Classify (a position) - To evaluate the duties and responsibilities of a position and assign a pay plan, title, series and grade level.

Desk Audit - see Audit.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - A law which provides for minimum standards for both wages and overtime entitlement and spells out administrative procedures by which covered worktime must be compensated. The Act requires a determination as to which employees are "exempt" and which are "non-exempt" from the minimum pay and overtime provisions of the Act. Such determinations are made based on the duties and responsibilities assigned to a position.

Job Description - see Position Description definition.

Occupational Series - A grouping of positions similar in specialized work and qualifications requirements. Series are designated by a four-digit number; e.g., 0318, 4334, etc.

OPM - Office of Personnel Management. The OPM provides human resource management leadership and compensation expertise to the President, Federal agencies, and their employees.

Pay Plan - The pay system to which a position is classified for compensation; e.g., GS (General Schedule) or white collar positions and FWS (Federal Wage System) or trades and labor (blue collar) positions.

Pen and Ink Change - A change to a position description that is not significant enough to impact, or cause change to, the pay plan, title, series or grade level of the position. Changes are typically minor; e.g., adding, changing, deleting a word, few sentences, etc. A change that adds more than this to a position description or requires a new coversheet (OF-8) should be processed as an amendment to the position description or as a new position description.

Position Description - An official document describing the duties and responsibilities comprising the work assigned to a civilian employee.

Position Management - The process whereby supervisors and managers design positions to form an organization with the proper balance of skills and levels to effectively and economically accomplish the mission.

Series - See Occupational Series.

Statement of Differences - An abbreviated position description that may be prepared when a position is substantially similar, but not identical to another position which has been already classified. Only the differences in duties and responsibilities need to be described. Typically a paragraph or two, not exceeding one page, attached to a position description coversheet (OF-8).

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