Office of Human Capital Management - DHRD - Classification-Supervisory or Managerial Designations
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Supervisory or Managerial Designations

The primary responsibility for USDA programs rests with managers or supervisors who are held accountable to ensure the USDA mission is accomplished effectively and efficiently.

A large part of program management responsibility is the management of personnel who make it all happen. Management officials constantly make decisions which directly or indirectly impact USDA personnel. Because of this criticality, individuals must serve a probationary period, normally one year, before initial assignment as either a supervisor or manager becomes final. During probation, the new supervisor or manager is evaluated for qualities and characteristics essential for effective performance, and if unsuccessful, is removed from the position.

Position descriptions describe program and/or personnel management duties and responsibilities of management positions. The following codes designate the managerial or supervisory status of a position on the OF-8 (PD Cover sheet).

2. Supervisor SGEG 3. Manager SGEG

A human resources specialist reviews position description requirements against Office of Personnel Management (OPM) guides and standards to determine which managerial or supervisory status applies.

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    Senior Executive Service (SES)
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