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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Active and Potentially Active
Volcanoes in the United States

-- Excerpt from: Wright, T.L., and Pierson, T.C., 1992,
Living With Volcanoes: The U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1073, 57p.

Active and Potentially Active Volcanoes in the United States
Volcano Eruption type(s) Number of eruptions in past 200 years Latest activity (in years before present or year(s) A.D.) Remarks
Washington State
Mount Adams Lava, ash 0 More than 3,500 years ago Debris flows are the most recent events
Mount Baker Ash, lava 1 1870 Increased heat output and minor melting of summit glacier in 1975; some debris flows not related to eruption. History of extensive pyroclastic flows
Glacier Peak Ash More than 1? Before 1800  
Mount Rainier Ash, lava 1? 1882 History of massive debris avalanches and debris flows. Occasional very shallow seismicity
Mount St. Helens Ash, dome, lava 2-3 1980 to present Continuing intermittent volcanic activity
Crater Lake Lava, ash, dome 0 4,000 years ago Largest known eruption from Cascade Range volcano. Catastrophic, caldera-forming eruption 7,000 years ago; post-caldera lava and domes
Mount Hood Ash, dome 2? 1865 Occasional seismic swarms
Mount Jefferson Ash, lava 0 More than 50,000 years ago Debris flows in 1934, 1955; young basaltic flows in nearby area
Newberry Crater Ash, lava 0 600 Latest eruption was obsidian flow
Three Sisters Ash, lava 0 950? Debris flows in this century
Clear Lake Lava, ash 0 Not known Geothermal energy and long-period (volcanic) seismicity suggest "active" status
Coso Peak, California Lava, ash, dome 0 About 40,000 years ago Geothermal energy production and seismic activity suggest "active" status
Lassen Peak Ash, dome 1 1914-1917 Lateral blast occurred in last eruption
Long Valley Caldera, California
Ash, dome, ashflow 3? About 1400 Youngest activity represented by nearly simultaneous eruptions of rhyolite at several of the Inyo craters; currently restless, shown by seismicity and ground deformation
Medicine Lake Ash, lava 0 1065 Latest eruption formed Glass Mountain
Mount Shasta Ash, dome 1 1786? Debris flows in this century
The Continental Interior
Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming
Bandera Field (McCarty's Flow), New Mexico Lava 1 About 1,000 Most voluminous lava within past 1,000 years
Craters of the Moon, Idaho Lava About 1 2,100 years ago Youngest activity in the Snake River Plain
San Francisco Field, Arizona Lava 2 1065-1180 Sunset Crater; disrupted Anasazi settlements
Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho Ashflow 0 70,000 years ago Numerous hydrothermal explosions, geysers, geothermal activity; currently restless, shown by seismicity and ground deformation

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03/17/06, Lyn Topinka