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Food Security & Hunger

ERS plays a leading role in Federal research on food security—access to enough food for active, healthy living—and hunger in U.S. households and communities. This research facilitates informed public debate regarding food security, its impact on the well-being of children, adults, families, and communities, and its relationship to public policies, public assistance programs, and the economy.


Household Food Security in the United States, 2006—This report provides the most recent statistics on the food security of U.S. households, as well as on how much they spent for food and the extent to which food-insecure households participated in Federal and community food assistance programs.

Food Insecurity and Hunger in the United States: An Assessment of the Measure—The National Research Council's Committee on National Statistics finds that USDA's measurement of food insecurity should be continued, but may need to be strengthened in several ways, and a different methodology for measuring hunger should be developed.

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