United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Social and Economic Data - Emergency Watershed Protection Population Data

Last Update: October 25, 2005

These documents require a text editor to open. Html stands for 'hypertext markup language' and produces a standard web page. Xml stands for 'extensible markup language' and produces text documents that are amenable to automation. Csv stands for 'comma separated value' text documents that can be opened in a spreadsheet program and edited.

US National 2003 Per Capita Income (Bureau of Economic Analysis) 2002, 2003 and 2004 (3 Year) Average Unemployment Rate (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
31,472 5.77
Please consult with an NRCS economist or sociologist about this data.
Location html csv xml Location html csv xml Location html csv xml
United States html csv xml Please use this data set to obtain 'State Average Housing Value'
Alabama html csv xml Kentucky html csv xml North Dakota html csv xml
Alaska html csv xml Louisiana html csv xml Ohio html csv xml
Arizona html csv xml Maine html csv xml Oklahoma html csv xml
Arkansas html csv xml Maryland html csv xml Oregon html csv xml
California html csv xml Massachusetts html csv xml Pennsylvania html csv xml
Colorado html csv xml Michigan html csv xml Rhode Island html csv xml
Connecticut html csv xml Minnesota html csv xml South Carolina html csv xml
Delaware html csv xml Mississippi html csv xml South Dakota html csv xml
Florida html csv xml Missouri html csv xml Tennessee html csv xml
Georgia html csv xml Montana html csv xml Texas html csv xml
Hawaii html csv xml Nebraska html csv xml Utah html csv xml
Idaho html csv xml Nevada html csv xml Vermont html csv xml
Illinois html csv xml New Hampshire html csv xml Virginia html csv xml
Indiana html csv xml New Jersey html csv xml Washington html csv xml
Iowa html csv xml New Mexico html csv xml West Virginia html csv xml
Kansas html csv xml New York html csv xml Wisconsin html csv xml
North Carolina html csv xml Wyoming html csv xml
Puerto Rico html csv xml Islands html csv xml

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