United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Social and Economic Data - Social Profile Data

These data sets were created for use in Earth Team Coordinator Training Courses. They may be used by state and county employees to gain an understanding of the cultural, social, and economic variety within their area. Each data set is contained in an Excel spreadsheet and the information is derived from the the 2000 General Population Census. The data includes Race, ethnicity (Hispanic/non-Hispanic), gender, potential volunteer population, and primary language.

These documents require Microsoft Excel File Microsoft Excel .

Social Profile Data For Nation

Download Social Profile Data for Entire Nation (1.5 megabytes)  


Social Profile Data By State

Alabama Kentucky North Dakota
Alaska Louisiana Ohio
Arizona Maine Oklahoma
Arkansas Maryland Oregon
California Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Colorado Michigan Rhode Island
Connecticut Minnesota South Carolina
Delaware Mississippi South Dakota
Florida Missouri Tennessee
Georgia Montana Texas
Hawaii Nebraska Utah
Idaho Nevada Vermont
Illinois New Hampshire Virginia
Indiana New Jersey Washington
Iowa New Mexico West Virginia
Kansas New York Wisconsin
  North Carolina Wyoming


Social Profile Data By Region



Northern Plains South Central
Southeast West

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