United States Department of Agriculture
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Social and Economic Data - Online County Data Dictionary

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County Level Data Dictionary. Composite Data From 1997 Census of Agriculture and 2000 Gen Pop Census

Abbreviation Description of Data    Source
Acres_FullOwners_97 Total Acres Under Full Ownership (1997 Ag Census). Full owners, are those who operated only land they owned. Ag Census - 1997
Acres_PartOwners_97 Total Acres Under Part Ownership (1997 Ag Census). Part owners are those who operated land they owned and also land they rented from others. Ag Census - 1997
Acres_Tenants_97 Total Acres Under Tenancy (1997 Ag Census). Tenants are those who operated only land they rented from others or who worked on shares for others. Ag Census - 1997
AcresLand_90 Land Area In Square Kilometers as of 1990 (Gen Census 1990) Gen Pop Census - 1990
AcresWater_90 Water Area in Square Kilometers as of 1990 (Gen Census 1990) Gen Pop Census - 1990
Acrs_AmerIndOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As American Indian (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_AsiaPacIslOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Asian/Pacific Islander (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Black (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOth_FullOwn_97 Number of Acres Under Operators Who Are Full Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOth_PartOwn_97 Number of Acres Under Operators Who Are Part Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOth_Tenants_97 Number of Acres Under Operators Who Are Tenants and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOthHVCroplnd_97 Number of Acres With High Value Cropland Under Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and Have Land in Farms Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_BlckOthLIF_97 Number of Acres Under Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and Have Land In Farms Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_ChineseOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Chinese (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_Corp_NotFamly_97 Number of Acres Under Corporations Other Than Family Held (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_CorpFamly_97 Number of Acres Under Family Held Corporations (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_FilipinoOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Filipino (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_HawaiianOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Hawaiian (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_HV_BlckOth_FullOwn_97 Number of Acres of High Value Cropland Under Operators Who Are Full Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_HV_BlckOth_PartOwn_97 Number of Acres of High Value Cropland Under Operators Who Are Part Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_HV_BlckOth_Tennants_97 Number of Acres of High Value Cropland Under Operators Who Are Tenants and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_JapaneseOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Japanese (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_KoreanOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Korean (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_OtherRacesOpers_97 Total Acreage of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Other (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_OtherStruc_97 Number of Acres Under Other Structures Such as Coops, Estates, or Trusts (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_Partnership_97 Number of Acres Under Partnerships (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SoleProprietor_97 Number of Acres Under Sole Proprietorships (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SpanishOriginOpers_97 Total Acreage Of Farms With Operators Who List Their Origin As Spanish (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_1000To1999_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 1,000 to 1,999 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_100To139_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 100 to 139 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_10To49_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 10 To 49 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_140To179_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 140 to 179 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_180To219_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 180 to 219 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_1999OrMore_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 2,000 Acres or More Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_1To9_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 1 To 9 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_220To259_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 220 to 259 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_260To499_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 260 to 499 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_500To999_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 500 to 999 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_50To69_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 50 To 69 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Acrs_SzeRnge_70To99_97 Total Acres in Farms With A Size Range of 70 To 99 Acres Ag Census - 1997
AcrsOpers_Female_97 Number of Acres For Which The Operator is Female (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AcrsOpers_Male_97 Number of Acres For Which The Operator is Male (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AgClients_AsPacFemaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Asian/Pacific Islander Females and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_AsPacFemaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Asian/Pacific Islander Females and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_AsPacMaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Asian/Pacific Islander Males and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_AsPacMaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Asian/Pacific Islander Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_BlackFemaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Black Females and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_BlackFemaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Black Females and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_BlackMaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Black Males and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_BlackMaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Black Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_NatAmFemaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Females and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_NatAmFemaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Females and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_NatAmMaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_NatAmMaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_OtherFemale_Hispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_OtherFemale_NotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_OtherMale_Hispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_OtherMale_NotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are Native American Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_WhiteFemaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are White Females and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_WhiteFemaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are White Females and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_WhiteMaleHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural Clients That Are White Males and of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
AgClients_WhiteMaleNotHispa_97 Estimated Number of Potential Agricultural That Are White Males and Not of Hispanic Ethnicity (1997 Ag Census) Special NRCS/NASS Data Set - 1997
Asian1 One race Asian (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Asian2p Total race select Asian (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianChi1 One race Asian, Chinese (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianFil1 One race Asian, Filipino (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianInd1 One race Asian, Asian Indian (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianJap1 One race Asian, Japanese (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianKor1 One race Asian, Korean (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianOth1 One race Asian, Other Asian (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
AsianVie1 One race Asian, Vietnamese (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Avg_NetCashReturn_97 Average Net Return Per Farm (1997 Ag Census) (Dollars) Ag Census - 1997
Avg_NetGains_97 Average Farm Net Gain (1997 Ag Census) (Dollars) Ag Census - 1997
Avg_NetLosses_97 Average Farm Net Loss (1997 Ag Census) (Dollars) Ag Census - 1997
AvgFrmSales_97 Average Farm Sales (1997 Ag Census) (Dollars) (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AvgFrmSze_97 The average farm size (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AvgVal_LndBldgsAcr_97 Estimated Average Market Value of Land And Buildings Per Acre in $ (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AvgVal_Machinery_97 Estimated Average Market Value of Machinery and Equipment in (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
AvgValLndBldgsFrm_97 Estimated Average Market Value of Land And Buildings Per Farm in $ (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Black1 One race Black or African American (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Black2p Total race select Black or African American (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
County_Fips County Fips Code Ag Census - 1997
County_Name County Name Ag Census - 1997
FamHHlds Family households (families) (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Frms_AmerIndOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As American Indian (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_AsiaPacIslOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Asian/Pacific Islander (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_BlackOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Black (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_BlackOther_HVCroplnd_97 Number of Farms With High Value Cropland Under Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and Have Land in Farms Ag Census - 1997
Frms_BlackOther_LIF_97 Number of Farms Under Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and Have Land in Farms Ag Census - 1997
Frms_ChineseOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Chinese (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_CorpFamly_97 Number of Farms Under Family Held Corporation (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_CorpNotFamly_97 Number of Acres Under Corporations Other Than Family Held (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_FilipinoOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Filipino (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_HawaiianOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Hawaiian (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_JapaneseOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Japanese (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_KoreanOpers_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Ethnicity As Korean (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_NetCashReturn_97 Number of Farms Reporting Net Cash Return (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_NetGains_97 Number of Farms With Net Gains (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_NetLosses_97 Number of Farms With Net Losses (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccFrm_BlkOth_Sales0To2500_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales Less Than $2,500 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and whose Occupation is Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccFrm_BlkOth_Sales10000OrMore_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales Greater Than $9,999 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and and whose Occupation is Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccFrm_BlkOth_Sales2500To9999_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales $2,500 To $9,999 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and and whose Occupation is Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccNotFrm_BlkOth_Sales0To2500_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales Less Than $2,500 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and and whose Occupation is Not Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccNotFrm_BlkOth_Sales10000OrMore_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales Greater Than $9,999 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and and whose Occupation is Not Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OccNotFrm_BlkOth_Sales2500To9999_97 Number of Farms With Farm Sales are $2500 to $9,999 Under the Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White and and whose Occupation is Not Farming (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OtherRaces_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Racial Category As Other (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_OtherStruc_97 Number of Farms Under Other Structures Such as Coops, Estates, or Trusts (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_Partnership_97 Number of Farms Under Partnership (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_ReprtingProdExpen_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Production Expenses (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SoleProprietor_97 Number of Farms Reporting Sole Proprietorship (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SpanishOrigin_97 Number of Farms With Operators Who List Their Origin As Spanish (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_1000To1999_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 1,000 to 1,999 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_100To139_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 100 to 139 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_10To49_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 10 to 49 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_140To179_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 140 to 179 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_180To219_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 180 to 219 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_1999OrMore_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 2,000 Acres or More Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_1To9_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 1 to 9 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_220To259_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 220 to 259 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_260To499_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 260 to 499 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_500To999_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 500 to 999 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_50To69_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 50 to 69 Acres Ag Census - 1997
Frms_SzeRnge_70To99_97 Number of Farms Reporting Farm Size Range of 70 To 99 Acres Ag Census - 1997
FrmsHiredFrmLabor_97 Number of Farms Reporting Hired Farm Labor (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsOpers_Female_97 Number of Farms Where The Operator is Female (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsOpers_Male_97 Number of Farms Where The Operator is Male (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_0To999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales Less Than $1,000 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_100000To249999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $100,000 to $249,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_10000To19999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $10,000 to $19,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_1000To2499_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $1,000 to $2,499 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_20000To24999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $20,000 to $24,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_25000To39999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $25,000 to $39,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_2500To4999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $2,500 to $4,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_40000To49999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $40,000 to $49,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_500000OrMore_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales Greater Than $500,000 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_50000To99999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $50,000 to $99,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales_5000To9999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $5,000 to $9,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
FrmsSales250000To499999_97 Number of Farms With Value of Sales from $250,000 to $499,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Full_Fips Combined State County Fips Code Ag Census - 1997
HHI14999 Household Income $10,000 to $14,999 (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HHI24999 Household Income $15,000 to $24,999 (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HHI9999 Household Income less than $10,000 (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Hispanic Hispanic or Latino (of any race) (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HispCuba Hispanic, Cuban (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HispMex Hispanic, Mexican (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HispOth Hispanic, Other Hispanic or Latino (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HispPuer Hispanic, Puerto Rican (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
HispWhit1 Total Not Hispanic White alone (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Househlds Households (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
LndBldgs_1000000To1999999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 1,000,000 to 1,999,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_100000To149999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 100,000 to 149,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_150000To199999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 150,000 to 199,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_1To39999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 1 to 39,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_2000000To4999999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 2,000,000 to 4,999,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_200000T499999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 200,000 to 499.999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_40000To69999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 40,000 to 69,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_5000000OrMore_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings of 5,000,000 or More Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_500000To999999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 500,000 to 999,999 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgs_70000To99999_97 Farms Reporting Value of Land and Buildings from 70,000 to 99,000 (dollars) Ag Census - 1997
LndBldgsReported_97 Farms Reporting Land and Buildings (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
LndInFrms_97 Total amount of land in farms (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
MedianHHI Median household income (dollars) Gen Pop Census - 2000
MktVal_AgProds_BlckOth_97 Market Value of Agricultural Products Under Control of Operators Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
NatAmer1 One race Native American (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
NatAmer2p Total race select Native American (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
NotHisp Not Hispanic or Latino (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
NRCS_Region NRCS Region Ag Census - 1997
NumFarms_FullOwners_97 Total Number of Farms under Full Ownership (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
NumFarms_PartOwners_97 Total Number of Farms under Part Ownership Ag Census - 1997
NumFarms_Tenants_97 Total Number of Farms Under Tenancy (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
NumFrms_97 Number of Farms (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Opers_BlckOth_FullOwn_97 Number of Operators Who Are Full Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Opers_BlckOth_PartOwn_97 Number of Operators Who are Part Owners and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
Opers_BlckOth_Tenants_97 Number of Operators Under Operators Who Are Tenants and Who List Themselves As A Race Other Than White Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_24OrLess_97 Operators Age is 24 or Less Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_25To34_97 Operators Age is 25 to 34 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_35To44_97 Operators Age is 35 to 44 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_45To54_97 Operators Age is 45 to 54 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_55To59_97 Operators Age is 55 to 59 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_60To64_97 Operators Age is 60 to 64 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_65To69_97 Operators Age is 65 to 69 Ag Census - 1997
OpersAge_70OrMore_97 Operators Age is 70 or More Ag Census - 1997
OpersAvgAge_97 Operators Average Age Ag Census - 1997
OpersAvgYrsOnPresFrm_97 Operators Average Years on Present Farm Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_0_97 Operators Days Working off Farm is 0 Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_100To149_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm is 100 to 149 Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_150To199_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm is 150 to 199 Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_1To49_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm is 1 to 49 Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_200OrMore_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm is 200 or More Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_50To99_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm is 50 to 99 Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_NotReported_97 Operators Days Working Off Farm Not Reported Ag Census - 1997
OpersDaysOffFrm_Some_97 Operators Days Working off Farm is some Ag Census - 1997
OpersPrincOcc_NoFrming_97 Number of Operators Whose Principle Occupation is Not Farming Ag Census - 1997
OpersPrinOcc_Frming_97 Number of Operators Whose Principle Occupation is Farming Ag Census - 1997
OpersYrsOnPresFrm_0To2_97 Number of Years Operator Has Been On Present Farm is 0 to 2 Ag Census - 1997
OpersYrsOnPresFrm_10OrMore_97 Number of Years Operator Has Been On Present Farm is 10 or More Ag Census - 1997
OpersYrsOnPresFrm_3To4_97 Number of Years Operator Has Been On Present Farm is 3 to 4 Ag Census - 1997
OpersYrsOnPresFrm_5To9_97 Number of Years Operator Has Been On Present Farm is 5 to 9 Ag Census - 1997
OpersYrsOnPresFrm_NotReported_97 Number of Operators Whose Years on Present Farm is Not Reported Ag Census - 1997
Other1 One race Some other race (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Other2p Total race select Some other race (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
PacifGua1 One race Pacific, Guamanian or Chamorro (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
PacifHaw1 One race Pacific, Native Hawaiian (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Pacific One race Pacific Islander (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Pacific2p Total race select Pacific Islander (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
PacifOth1 One race Pacific, Other Pacific Islander (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
PacifSam1 One race Pacific, Samoan (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
PerCapInc Per capita income (dollars) (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Race1 One race (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
Races2p Two or more races (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
ResidenceNotReported_97 Number of Operators Whose Place Residence Was Not Reported (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
ResNotOnFrmOperated_97 Number of Operators Whose Place of Residence is Not On Farm Being Operated (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
ResOnFrmOperated_97 Number of Operators Whose Place of Residence is On Farm Being Operated (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
SqMilesLand_90 Land Area in Square Miles (Gen Census 1990) Gen Pop Census - 1990
SqMilesWater_90 Water Area in Square Miles as of 1990 (Gen Census 1990) Gen Pop Census - 1990
State_Abbrev State Abbreviation Ag Census - 1997
State_Fips State Fips Code Ag Census - 1997
State_Name State Name Ag Census - 1997
Tot_NetCashReturn_97 Total Net Cash Return (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Tot_NetGains_97 Total Net Gains (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Tot_NetLosses_97 Total Net Losses (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
Tot_ValLndBldgs_97 Total Value of Land and Building (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotAcrs_Irriglnd_97 Total Acres of Irrigated Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotAcrsCroplnd_97 Total Acres of Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotAcrsHarvCroplnd_97 Total Acres of Harvested Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotalMale Total Male (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
TotalPop Total population (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
TotFemale Total Female (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
TotFrmLabor_97 Total Hired Farm Laborers (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotFrmProdExpen_97 Total Farm Production Expenses (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotFrms_IrrigLnd_97 Total Number of Farms with Irrigated Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotFrmSales_97 Total Farm Sales in dollars (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotFrmsCroplnd_97 Total Number of Farms in Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotFrmsHarvCroplnd_97 Total Number of Farms with Harvested Cropland (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotMktVal_AgProds_97 Total Market Value of Agricultural Products (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotPay_FrmLabor_97 Total Pay for Farm Labor (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_0To999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $0 - $999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_100000To249999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 100,000 to $ 249,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_10000To19999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 10000 to $ 19,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_1000To2499_97 Total Value of Sales in range $1,000 to $2,499 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_20000To24999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 20,000 to $ 24,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_250000To499999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 250,000 to $ 499,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_25000To39999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 25000 to $ 39,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_2500To4999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $2,500 to $4,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_40000To49999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 40000 to $ 49,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_500000OrMore_97 Total Value of Sales in range Greater Than $ 500,000 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_50000To99999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 50,000 to $ 99,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
TotValSales_5000To9999_97 Total Value of Sales in range $ 5000 to $ 9,999 (1997 Ag Census) Ag Census - 1997
White1 One race White (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000
White2p Total race select White (Gen Census 2000) Gen Pop Census - 2000


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