Crop Decision Making Tools

Pesticide Selector The Pesticide Selector will help you choose registered pesticides to control disease and insect problems in your crops.
Herbicide Selector The Herbicide Selector will help you choose registered herbicides to control weed problems.

Forage Seed Mixture Calculator (On-line Version) Grassland species are normally seeded in mixtures rather than monocultures. This calculator will calculate a mix and estimate a seed density for drills or broadcast seedings for any grouping of forage species in the calculator list
Cereal Seeding Calculator This calculator determines how much seed is needed to plant a cereal crop with the desired plant density and includes seed drill calibration information.
Peas, Pulses and other large seeds Calculator This calculator determines how much seed is needed to plant a crop with the desired plant density and includes seed drill calibration information.

Variety Yield and Performance Data Crop Information Portal - provides performance and yield data for the major field crops grown in Alberta.
Rural Water Quality Information Tool This on-line tool assesses the quality and suitability of raw water sources for livestock, irrigation or mix water for chemical spraying.
Irrigation Water Allocation Calculator This calculator estimates how long it will take to use up an allocation of water.
Grains, Forage and Straw Nutrient Use This calculator will help you to understand how much nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and calcium your crop will use for a given yield.
Alberta Management Insights (AMI) Crop variety and yield information is reported by producers to AFSC and organized by township, soil zone, and crop risk area.

Crop Enterprise This calculator allows you to estimate costs and revenues on a per acre basis for a set of selected crops within a given soil zone.
Money Map Farmers can now see how their yields vary across a field, year after year.
CropChoice$ This software helps crop producers predict revenues and margins for their crop enterprise, as well as the chance of achieving those levels.

Grain Shrinkage Calculator Calculates the loss of volume and weight which occurs whenever wet grain is dried.
Test Weight Converter Converting back and forth between kg/hL and lb/bushel
Dollars/Bushel : Dollars/Tonne Converter Converting between Dollars/Bushel and Dollars/Tonne for various grains
Bushel/Tonne Converter Converting between Bushel / Tonne for various grains

AFFIRM V2.0 Software This software helps crop producers make fertilizer nutrient decisions based on soil test results, crops to be grown, soil moisture conditions, agro-climatic regions and economic factors of crop prices and fertilizer nutrient costs.
MMP V0.25 Software This software helps producers make manure nutrient decisions based on livestock operation, storage capacity, application equipment, landbase, soil test results and crop selection