Canadian Standards


Canada’s Organic Products Regulations (OPR) and Organic Standards


**Please note that the OPR are currently subject to regulatory amendment. Check this page regularly for the latest version once it is made available.

January 2009: technical workshops on Canada's new organic standard coming soon, brought to you by OTA in Canada, the Canadian Organic Growers and the International Organic Inspectors Association. These sessions (individually available for processors, producers, inspectors & certifiers) will be offered in Canada in February and March. Watch for more information.

November 2008: The Canada Organic Office has released a draft Stream of Commerce policy for comment. Review the document (pdf).

September 2008: The Organic Trade Association in Canada announces that an official amendment to the Organic Products Regulation has been published in the Canada Gazette (II), delaying implementation of the new regulations and standards until June 30, 2009.

Additional Background and Documents

For five years, OTA has served on the industry/government working committee that developed the details of Canada's organic regulation.

Primary documents of the Canada Organic Regime

The Organic Products Regulations – new regulations under the authority of the Canadian Agricultural Products Act.
2. The Canadian Organic Standards are housed in two documents under the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB):

The Organic Production Systems General Principles and Management Standards, CAN/CGSB-32.310 – developed by the organic industry and the CGSB. (Français)

The Organic Production Systems Permitted Substances List, CAN/CGSB-32.311 – developed by the organic industry and the CGSB. (Français)

Comments on the PSL or submissions for new items for inclusion should be made using this form: English / Français

The industry-led Committee on Organic Agriculture of the CGSB met in Ottawa in August and November 2007, and April 2008 for three rounds of meetings to update the two documents in time for the December 2008 implementation of the Organic Products Regulations.

**OTA Members** You can now preview the amendments to Canada's organic standards (requires member ID and password).

3. The Quality Management Systems (QMS) Manual (QMS.en.doc 1.3MB). On January 8, 2008, the QMS manual was shared with the organic sector. This document describes the administration and enforcement of the Canadian Organic Regime. The QMS is subject to annual updates, and OTA sits on the COO's technical advisory committee for this purpose. Please check this page for information on upcoming public consultations on the QMS. (Français: 1.2MB)

Other Resources

1. OTA in Canada has released an unofficial list of Accreditation Bodies and Certifying Bodies currently operating in Canada who are expected to be approved to operate under Canada's Organic Products Regulations. See the list.

2. Canadian regulations powerpoint presented at Expo East 2008.

OTA Regulatory updates

September 2008:
The Organic Trade Association in Canada announces that an official amendment to the Organic Products Regulation has been published in the Canada Gazette (II), delaying implementation of the new regulations and standards until June 30, 2009.

June 2008: The Canada Organic Office has confirmed that the OPR will be implemented on December 14, 2008.

April 2008: Organic sector is waiting for announcement regarding possible delay of regulations until amendments to the standard are finalized and ratified.

January 8, 2008: Quality Management Systems (QMS) Manual released. More information and links to the document are provided below.

December 14, 2007: One year deadline to Canada’s regulation.

Canada's OPR are scheduled to be fully implemented on December 14, 2008. The regulations will make the Canadian organic standards and permitted substances list mandatory for all organic food and livestock feed products sold in Canada, regardless of organic status under other regulatory programs. These products will be able to opt in to displaying the “Biologique Canada Organic” seal. OTA staff have met with both US and Canadian governments to encourage a discussion on a possible equivalency agreement between the two programs.


Bilateral trade negotiations do take time, so it is unknown whether an agreement would be in effect by the implementation date. Because of this, OTA members who have business in Canada are encouraged to speak with their suppliers and certifying bodies regarding certification to the Canadian standards. Links to the most current versions of Canada’s Organic Products Regulations, the Canadian organic standards and Permitted Substances List are included below. Also available is the PSL comment form for submitting items for inclusion on the PSL. Please note that these documents are undergoing changes and any updates will be posted here as they become available.  

June 2007: Update on Canada's Organic Products Regulations and Quality Management System (QMS) Manual.
The Canada Organic Office (COO) of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has announced that Canada's Organic Products Regulations will be amended sometime in the fall of 2007, but no specific date has been set. The amendments will cover import and labeling requirements among other topics. The COO has indicated it will consult directly with industry, including OTA, before publishing the amended regulations in The Canada Gazette I. Following publication, there will be a 75-day period for public comment before final version is released. In the meantime, OTA has been asked to sit on the COO's technical advisory committee to aid it with finalizing the program's internal administrative Quality Management System Manual.

December 2006: Canada's new Organic Products Regulations became a reality with the December 21, 2006, publication in the Canada Gazette. This regulation will affect all Canadian businesses engaged in international or interprovincial trade and all businesses that import to Canada or buy Canadian organic products. The final publication followed a 75-day public comment period, during which OTA studied the document and submitted a formal comment.

Click here for OTA's comment on the regulation and cover letter to Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The regulation is expected to take two years to implement (to December 2008). The government will begin by appointing accreditors for the certification bodies working in Canada. The certification bodies will then need to be accredited and demonstrate that they are ready to certify to the Canada Organic Standards (see link below).

For more information, please contact OTA's managing director, Canada, Matthew Holmes


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For more information on Canada's organic regime, contact Matthew Holmes at