Welcome to OTA in Canada


COMING SOON!  ~  technical workshops on Canada's new organic standard, brought to you by OTA in Canada, the Canadian Organic Growers and the International Organic Inspectors Association. These sessions (individually available for processors, producers, inspectors & certifiers) will be offered in Canada in February and March. Watch this space for more information.

Click here for the latest news and information on our activities in Canada.


Click here for the latest information on Canada's Organic standards, regulations and related documents.


Click here for Canadian organic statistics, reports and important links.


Click here for contacts and information about OTA in Canada.

Recent News and Activities:

January 2009: OTA in Canada has published a list of the approved certifiers and accreditors under the Canada Organic Regime.

December 2008: OTA in Canada conducted two surveys on behalf of the Organic Value Chain Roundtable to poll the Canadian organic sector on the preferred organic logo. Option "5", a circle featuring a red maple leaf and the wording "Canada Organic Regime", was chosed in a run-off vote.

November 2008: The Canada Organic Office has released a draft Stream of Commerce policy for comment. Review the document on our Canadian organic standards & regulations page.

September 2008: OTA in Canada announces that an official amendment to the Organic Products Regulation has been published in the Canada Gazette (II), delaying implementation of the new regulations and standards until June 30, 2009.

August 2008: The Organic Trade Association in Canada has made available to all OTA members the positive ballot results for amendments to the Canadian organic standards. These documents are provided exclusively to members of OTA in order to assess likely changes to the Canadian organic standards in time for the implementation of Canada’s Organic Products Regulations. Download the amendments (requires member ID and password).

Read more about our recent news and activities in Canada

Click on the map to find our members in Canada

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Any OTA member in Canada or member that does business in Canada may subscribe to the OTA Canada e-mail list serve by writing tyoung@ota.com. If you are a member, click here for more information about OTA Canada’s development and operations.