Upcoming Events


OTA's Spring Hill Visit Day – March, 2009 Washington, D.C. Contact Tim Callahan for more information.

OTA's Annual Organic Industry Reception, March 6, 2009 6-8 p.m. during Expo West, Anaheim, CA.
Learn more and see highlights from last year's event.

All Things OrganicTM – June 16-18, 2009.  Chicago, IL. North America's only all organic conference and trade show, is the single place to meet the entire organic industry; all the top-level decision-makers in purchasing, processing, supplying, distributing, and manufacturing.

OTA's Annual Dinner & Organic Leadership Awards Ceremony – June, 2009. Feast on organic fare and honor the recipients of OTA's 2009 Organic Leadership Awards at the Organic Trade Association's annual gala, part of
All Things Organic™. See photos from last year's event and come join old and new friends and colleagues for a wonderful evening in 2009! Learn more about past honorees.

OTA's Bring Your Legislator to Work Month – August, 2009