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Natural Products Field Manual, Second Edition $2499.00 $2499.00 $0.00

By Bob Burke and Rick McKelvey. Comprehensive, 3 volume guide on “how to bring natural, organic, and specialty products to market”
• Includes CD-Rom with a directory of 5,400 natural retailers, mass-market natural buyers, distributors, brokers, budget models, new item forms and store logos.

• Practical, proven, best practices illustrated

• Insightful “guest editorials” by notable buyers, brokers and CEO’s

• Additional commentary by industry experts in their area of specialty

• $15,000 worth of coupons on services for you

In addition, the Field Manual comes with a free consulting session...to answer questions about issues raised in the book, clarify anything...or address issues that you are facing in your business.  Visit http://www.npcinstitute.com/ for information on this and other useful publications.

***Please order directly from Bob Burke, call: 978-975-9902 or E-mail: BobNPCI@aol.com and please mention the Organic Trade Association since OTA receives a percentage of each sale.

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