Cilantro (Chinese Parsley, Coriander)

Description. An annual herb belonging to the parsley family, cilantro has delicate fern-like foliage. Flat clusters of pinkish white flowers and aromatic seeds develop in late spring. Leaves have a unique flavor that is pleasing to many people.

Culture. Sow seed at the same time parsley would be sown in your growing area. Seed fall crops in August and spring crops in February. It needs full sun.

Selection. Cilantro is harvested 60 to 80 days after sowing for use as greens. The inner-most leaf whorls are selected and tied in bunches of 10 to 12. Since cilantro is perishable, place it in plastic bags and refrigerate immediately.

If cilantro is to be used for its aromatic seeds, better known as coriander, let the plants grow to maturity. Once the plants die, harvest the seeds and grind them for use.

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