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Smoke Free Soccer: Coaches Manual


Two team keep away drill [see explanation below]


Ultimately, kids need to make their own decision as to whether or not they will use tobacco. Here’s an activity that not only emphasizes the physical fitness that comes from being tobacco-free, but also invites the kids on your team to make some decisions for themselves—decisions that will give them the best chance to succeed.

The Game

  1. Two teams of six players each. Two grids as shown.
  2. Two dark players are sent into the light players’ grid. Two light players are sent into the dark players’ grid.
  3. These players are the defenders against the four remaining players.
  4. The four attacking players try to split the two defenders with a pass for a goal.
  5. If the two defenders win the ball and complete three passes, they take a goal away from the attacking team’s total.
  6. At the end of two minutes, send the two defenders back to report to their team. Keep track of the team’s total.
  7. Repeat sequence with two new players.

Coaching Points

  1. Passing and receiving.
  2. Supporting play.
  3. Combination play.
  4. Group defending principles. Pressure on the ball, cover slightly behind the pressuring defender so that splitting passes cannot be made.
  5. It is a good idea to let the groups manage themselves and decide who they are going to send in together to defend. This enables leadership and demands cooperation.




Page last updated 02/28/2007