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OSU Prof Honored by National Association for Achievements

CORVALLIS, Ore. – A. Morrie Craig, a professor in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University, has been honored by the National Hay Association for his contributions toward enhanced trade relations between the United States and Asia.

Craig received the NHA Export Processors Committee’s annual Certificate of Achievement at the group’s recent meeting in Washington. Don Kieffer, executive director of the National Hay Association, presented the award.

Craig was cited for his work in producing consistent, trustworthy test results for endophyte alkaloids, which occur in perennial rye and tall fescue grasses raised for seed. The alkaloids contribute to pest-resistance, disease-resistance and drought-resistance in golf course and sports field turf stands, but they also can affect the health of beef and dairy cattle if levels are too high.

Since 2003, Craig has been working directly with FAMIC, a feed safety testing lab in Japan, to resolve differences in test results between U.S. and Asian labs that have threatened the ability of Oregon farmers to trade straw with Japan. Craig’s visits to FAMIC, and meetings with lab managers and staff, have led to common testing methods that farmers and processors on both sides of the Pacific accept, according to Steve Van Mouwerik, co-chair of the National Hay Associations Export Processors Committee.

“Oregon straw exporter tested over 2,500 fields worth of grass straw intended for export to Japan and Korea this past crop year,” Mouwerik said. “As scrutiny of all imported animal feeds in Japan increases, Dr. Craig’s lab, and Oregon State’s mission, will continue to increase in importance and value to seed producers and straw exporters both.”

A faculty member at OSU since 1972, Craig is an expert in toxicology, including toxic plants and environmental pollutants.

About the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine: The primary mission of the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine is to serve the people of Oregon and the various livestock and companion animal industries by furthering the understanding of animal medical practices and procedures. Through research, clinical practice and extension efforts in the community, the college provides Oregon's future veterinarians with one of the most comprehensive educations available anywhere.

Media Contact

Mark Floyd,


Morrie Craig,

Steve Van Mouwerik,


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