Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States

Table of Contents



This national wind energy atlas was made possible through the contributions and efforts of numerous groups from throughout the United States. We gratefully acknowledge the contractors who performed the regional wind energy assessments, which provided the backbone information upon which this national assessment is based. We also acknowledge the staff at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for their valuable efforts in providing much of the information used for these assessments and for cooperating with us in establishing a national wind energy data base for public use. We extend our appreciation to the various federal, state, and private organizations and university groups for their cooperation in our search for new data.

A number of individuals at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) provided valuable support for this effort: We are grateful to Larry Wendell and Carl Aspliden for their technical oversight; Valerie Eliason for her assistance in producing the color gridded maps; the Graphics section for their meticulous work in producing the mechanicals of the national, regional, and state maps; the Photography group and Eric Anderson of the Printing group, for their helpful suggestions and assistance; Betsy Owczarski and Laurel Grove who edited the atlas; Debbie Atkin, Peggy Dunn, and Rosemary Ellis who typed the manuscript; and Gene Gower and Shirley Bradymire who participated in the preparation of the atlas.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Table of Contents

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