Stats > Browser Stats

This page presents web browser statistics that may be of interest to website designers.

Caution Caution : stats mislead. Caching distorts raw data; audiences vary for each site; methodologies vary for each survey; surveys miss or omit important details; surveys mis-identify browsers or other user agents; some search spiders pose as browsers; small sample sizes exaggerate fluctuations; and stats don’t count those who stay away because their browsers are not supported. [more...]

Caution Caution : the stats may help decide when a browser is so rare that a site need not support it; the stats may satisfy the curious; but the stats are truly useful for little else.

“Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please: facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable”Mark Twain
[more stats quotes...]

The table Usage Stats (see above) lists stats from several sources, showing how much stats can vary:

The best stats for a site are the stats gathered for that particular site: and even these are skewed by caching and faulty browser-detection. For example, consider Kerry Watson’s Browser Statistics page: this page uses three different hit counters whose reports should be comparable; but they are not, in part because of faulty browser detection.

Bottom line: use statistics with extreme caution.

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