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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Documented Historical Landslide Dams from Around the World

-- John E. Costa and Robert L. Schuster, 1991,
Documented Historical Landslide Dams from Around the World: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-239, 486p.

The data base presented in this report is a compilation of information on the characteristics of 463 landslide dams from around the World. It forms a basis on which to assess potential threats from existing landslide dams, or newly-formed landslide dams. The data base includes only landslide dams that have formed in historical times - that is, those formed during times when humans were able to record their occurrence, and the information transferred through various means of written and/or oral documentation. There have been far more prehistoric landslide dams about which relatively little is known. None of these is included in this data base. The focus on historical landslide dams allows insights into this natural process that will aid in understanding their role as a significant geologic process in recent Earth history. -- Costa and Schuster, 1991

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03/20/07, Lyn Topinka